Python、unicodedata 名称和代码点值,我缺少什么?

标签 python unicode

我正在处理 unicode 数据字符,我想知道为什么有些在 unicodedata 中没有任何名称?这是一个示例代码,您可以在其中检查 < unknown >

我认为 unicode 数据库中的每个字符都被命名了,顺便说一句,所有这些都是相同的类别,即 [Cc] Other, Control .


我也把文件here (因为编码是一件很奇怪的事情),并且因为我认为我用“不可见”字符剪切和粘贴可能有损。

#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#extracted and licensing from here:
:author: Laurent Pointal <> <>
:organization: CNRS - LIMSI
:copyright: CNRS - 2004-2009
:license: GNU-GPL Version 3 or greater
:version: $Id$

# Chars alonemarks:
#         !?¿;,*¤@°:%|¦/()[]{}<>«»´`¨&~=#±£¥$©®"
# must have spaces around them to make them tokens.
# Notes: they may be in pchar or fchar too, to identify punctuation after
#        a fchar.
#        \202 is a special ,
#        \226 \227 are special -
alonemarks = u"!?¿;,\202*¤@°:%|¦/()[\]{}<>«»´`¨&~=#±\226"+\
import unicodedata
for x in alonemarks:
    unicodename =, '<unknown>')
    print "\t".join(map(unicode, (x, len(x), ord(x), unicodename, unicodedata.category(x))))

    # unichr(int('fd9b', 16)).encode('utf-8')


I thought that every characters inside unicode database were named


Another question: how can I get the unicode code point value? Is it ord(unicodechar) that does the trick?


print '%x' % ord(unicodedata.lookup('LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Z'))
## 1d22

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