python - 如何在 pandas 中将 n*m DataFrame 与 1*m DataFrame 相乘?

标签 python pandas dataframe multiplication

我有 2 个要相乘的 pandas DataFrame:

   Score1  Score2
0     100      80
1    -150      20
2    -110      70
3     180      99
4     125      20

   Score1  Score2
0     0.6     0.4


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

frame_score = pd.DataFrame({'Score1'  : [100, -150, -110, 180, 125], 
                      'Score2'  : [80,  20, 70, 99, 20]})

frame_weights = pd.DataFrame({'Score1': [0.6], 'Score2' : [0.4]})

print('frame_score: \n{0}'.format(frame_score))
print('\nframe_weights: \n{0}'.format(frame_weights))

# Each of the following alternatives yields the same results
frame_score_weighted = frame_score.mul(frame_weights, axis=0)
frame_score_weighted = frame_score * frame_weights
frame_score_weighted = frame_score.multiply(frame_weights, axis=1)

print('\nframe_score_weighted: \n{0}'.format(frame_score_weighted))


    Score1  Score2
0    60.0    32.0
1     NaN     NaN
2     NaN     NaN
3     NaN     NaN
4     NaN     NaN

第 1 行到第 4 行是 NaN。我怎样才能避免这种情况?例如,第 1 行应为 -90 8 (-90=-150*0.6; 8=20*0.4)。

例如,Numpy 可能会广播以匹配维度。


编辑:对于任意维度,尝试使用 values 以类似数组的方式操作数据帧的值:

# element-wise multiplication
frame_score_weighted = frame_score.values*frame_weights.values

# change to pandas dataframe and rename columns
frame_score_weighted = pd.DataFrame(data=frame_score_weighted, columns=['Score1','Score2'])

   Score1  Score2
0    60.0    32.0
1   -90.0     8.0
2   -66.0    28.0
3   108.0    39.6
4    75.0     8.0


frame_score['Score1'] = frame_score['Score1']*frame_weights['Score1'][0]
frame_score['Score2'] = frame_score['Score2']*frame_weights['Score2'][0]

   Score1  Score2
0    60.0    32.0
1   -90.0     8.0
2   -66.0    28.0
3   108.0    39.6
4    75.0     8.0

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