python - 从 polyfit 中找出不确定性

标签 python numpy

我使用简单的 2 阶 polyfit 来拟合示例数据中的一行:

np.polyfit(x, y, 2)


现在我想找到拟合线的不确定性,并尝试使用 cov 参数,它返回 3x3 协方差矩阵:

np.polyfit(x, y, 2, cov=True)



此问题由 "Estimating Errors in Least-Squares Fitting" 解决通过 P.H. Richter,1995,TDA 进度报告 42-122。


The first instance considered above, namely, determining the error of one or more fitting parameters, has a straightforward answer given in terms of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of the fit, and is well known.


x = linspace(0,1,1000)
# comment and uncomment the last term to see how the fit appears in the figure,
# and how the covariances of the single polynomial coefficients vary in turn.
y = cos(x)*x**2+x+sin(x-1.) #+(x*1.3)**6
p,cov = polyfit(x,y,2,cov=True)
print sqrt(diag(cov))

更一般地说,引用文献解决了多项式系数中的误差如何也是因变量 y 作为自变量 x 的函数的误差。来自报告:

It is the purpose of this article to discuss the above errors and, in particular, to present results that will permit one to determine the standard error of the fit as a function of the independent variable, as well as to establish confidence limits for these errors.

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