python - 使用 Python 3 快速计算实数的基数 3 值

标签 python performance math

我们有一个像 (10**1500000)+1 这样的大数,想把它转换成 3 进制。 下面是我们用普通 Python 发现的最快方式运行代码(不使用 numpy 或 CAS 库)。

如何提高碱基转换(到基数 3)的性能?


  1. 仅使用 Python 3 的内置函数(没有 numpy)?
  2. 在普通 Python 3 程序中使用 numpy(或其他 CAS 库)?


#### --- Convert a huge integer to base 3 --- ####

# Convert decimal number n to a sequence of list elements
# with integer values in the range 0 to base-1.
# With divmod, it's ca. 1/3 faster than using n%b and then n//=b.
def numberToBase(n, b):
    digits = []
    while n:
        n, rem = divmod(n, b)
    return digits[::-1]

# Step 2: Convert given integer to another base
# With convsteps == 3, it's about 50-100 times faster than
# with with convsteps == 1, where numberToBase() is called only once.
def step2(n, b, convsteps):
    nList = []
    if convsteps == 3:  # Here the conversion is done in 3 steps
        expos = 10000, 300
        base_a = b ** expos[0]
        base_b = b ** expos[1]
        nList1 = numberToBase(n, base_a)  # time killer in this part
        nList2 = [numberToBase(ll, base_b) for ll in nList1]
        nList3 = [numberToBase(mm, b) for ll in nList2 for mm in ll]
        nList = [mm for ll in nList3 for mm in ll]
    else: # Do conversion in one bulk
        nList = numberToBase(n, b)  # that's the time killer in this part
    return nList

if __name__ == '__main__':

    int_value = (10**1500000)+1  # sample huge numbers
                          # expected begin: [2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0]
                          # expected time: 4 min with convsteps=3
    base = 3

    # Convert int_value to list of numbers of given base
    # -- two variants of step2() using different convsteps params
    numList = step2(int_value, base, convsteps=1)
    print('   3-1: numList begin:', numList[:10])

    # A value of '3' for the parameter "convsteps" makes
    # step2() much faster than a value of '1'
    numList = step2(int_value, base, convsteps=3)
    print('   3-3: numList begin:', numList[:10])

How to calculate as quick as possible the base 3 value of an integer which is given as a huge sequence of decimal digits (more than one million)? 是一个类似的问题,在基本转换之前还有一些步骤。在这里的这个问题中,我们专注于那部分,它占用了大部分时间,而且我们还没有得到答案。

也在 Convert a base 10 number to a base 3 number 中, HUGE numbers 的性能方面没有处理。


这是一个扩展您的convsteps 解决方案的方法,它通过在每次调用时使用基本平方进行递归。需要一些额外的工作来删除前导零。

def number_to_base(n, b):
    if n < b:
        return [n]
        digits = [d for x in number_to_base(n, b*b) for d in divmod(x, b)]
        return digits if digits[0] else digits[1:]

我的快速计时测试表明它与您的 step2 相同,但在误差范围内。但它更简单,错误可能更少。

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