python - Fabric 和 Jinja 模板上传

标签 python fabric jinja2

出于某种原因,Jinja 声称无法找到我在 Fabric 任务中指定的模板:

httpd_local = "/path/to/dir/conf/" # with httpd.conf located here
httpd_remote = "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"

with lcd(httpd_local):
    upload_template(filename='/path/to/dir/conf/httpd.conf', destination=httpd_remote, context=context[hostname], use_jinja=True)


jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: /path/to/dir/conf/httpd.conf



为了澄清 oselivanov 的回答,这将是您使用正确格式的示例:

httpd_local = "/path/to/dir/conf/" # with httpd.conf located here
httpd_remote = "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"

with lcd(httpd_local):
    upload_template(filename='httpd.conf', destination=httpd_remote, template_dir='/path/to/dir/conf', context=context[hostname], use_jinja=True)

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