python - 为什么从对象继承在 Python 中有所不同?

标签 python object inheritance



>>> class A(): pass;
>>> a = A()
>>> type(a)
<type 'instance'>
>>> type(a) is A
>>> type(A)
<type 'classobj'>


>>> class A(object): pass;
>>> a = A()
>>> type(a)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> type(a) is A
>>> type(A)
<type 'type'>



在 Python 3 中,这两个是相同的。然而,在 Python 2 中:

class A: pass  # old-style class

class B(object): pass  # new-style class

来自 New-style and classic classes在文档中:

Up to Python 2.1, old-style classes were the only flavour available to the user. The concept of (old-style) class is unrelated to the concept of type: if x is an instance of an old-style class, then x.__class__ designates the class of x, but type(x) is always <type 'instance'>. This reflects the fact that all old-style instances, independently of their class, are implemented with a single built-in type, called instance.

New-style classes were introduced in Python 2.2 to unify classes and types. A new-style class is neither more nor less than a user-defined type. If x is an instance of a new-style class, then type(x) is the same as x.__class__.

The major motivation for introducing new-style classes is to provide a unified object model with a full meta-model. It also has a number of immediate benefits, like the ability to subclass most built-in types, or the introduction of "descriptors", which enable computed properties.

出于这些原因,最好尽可能使用新式类。旧式类甚至存在于 Python 2.2+ 中的唯一原因是为了向后兼容;在 Python 3 中,旧式类已被删除。

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