python - pyPdf 忽略 PDF 文件中的换行符

标签 python string pdf unicode pypdf

我正在尝试将 PDF 的每一页提取为字符串:

import pyPdf

pages = []
pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file('g-reg-101.pdf', 'rb'))
for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
    this_page = pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + "\n"
    this_page = " ".join(this_page.replace(u"\xa0", " ").strip().split())
    pages.append(this_page.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace"))
for page in pages:
    print '*' * 80
    print page

但是这个脚本忽略了换行符,给我留下了一些乱七八糟的字符串,比如 information contained an individual which, because of name, identifyingnumber, mark or description (即,这应该读作 identifying number,而不是 identifyingumber)。

Here's an example我尝试解析的 PDF 类型。


我不太了解 PDF 编码,但我认为您可以通过修改 来解决您的特定问题。在 PageObject.extractText 方法中,您会看到发生了什么:

def extractText(self):
    for operands,operator in content.operations:
        if operator == "Tj":
            _text = operands[0]
            if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                text += _text
        elif operator == "T*":
            text += "\n"
        elif operator == "'":
            text += "\n"
            _text = operands[0]
            if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                text += operands[0]
        elif operator == '"':
            _text = operands[2]
            if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                text += "\n"
                text += _text
        elif operator == "TJ":
            for i in operands[0]:
                if isinstance(i, TextStringObject):
                    text += i

如果运算符是 TjTJ(在您的示例 PDF 中是 Tj),则仅附加文本,不添加换行符。现在您不一定想要添加换行符,至少如果我正在正确阅读 PDF 引用:Tj/TJ 只是单个和多个显示字符串运算符,并且某种分隔符的存在不是强制性的。


def extractText(self, Tj_sep="", TJ_sep=""):


        if operator == "Tj":
            _text = operands[0]
            if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                text += Tj_sep
                text += _text


        elif operator == "TJ":
            for i in operands[0]:
                if isinstance(i, TextStringObject):
                    text += TJ_sep
                    text += i


In [1]: pdf.getPage(1).extractText()[1120:1250]
Out[1]: u'ing an individual which, because of name, identifyingnumber, mark or description can be readily associated with a particular indiv'


In [2]: pdf.getPage(1).extractText(Tj_sep=" ")[1120:1250]
Out[2]: u'ta" means any information concerning an individual which, because of name, identifying number, mark or description can be readily '

In [3]: pdf.getPage(1).extractText(Tj_sep="\n")[1120:1250]
Out[3]: u'ta" means any information concerning an individual which, because of name, identifying\nnumber, mark or description can be readily '

或者,您可以通过就地修改操作数本身来简单地自己添加分隔符,但这可能会破坏其他东西(像 get_original_bytes 这样的方法让我很紧张)。

最后,如果您不想编辑 本身:您可以简单地将此方法提取到一个函数中。

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