python - 为什么 "is"关键字在这里不起作用?

标签 python integer


我知道 is 用于比较两个对象是否相同,而 == 用于相等。根据我的经验, 总是适用于数字,因为 Python 重用了数字。例如:

>>>a = 3
>>>a is 3

每当我将某物与数字进行比较时,我习惯使用 is。但是 is 不适用于下面的这个程序:

from collections import namedtuple
# Code taken directly from [Udacity site][1].
# make a basic Link class
Link = namedtuple('Link', ['id', 'submitter_id', 'submitted_time', 'votes',
                           'title', 'url'])

# list of Links to work with
links = [
    Link(0, 60398, 1334014208.0, 109,
         "C overtakes Java as the No. 1 programming language in the TIOBE index.",
    Link(1, 60254, 1333962645.0, 891,
         "This explains why technical books are all ridiculously thick and overpriced",
    Link(23, 62945, 1333894106.0, 351,
         "Learn Haskell Fast and Hard",
    Link(2, 6084, 1333996166.0, 81,
         "Announcing Yesod 1.0- a robust, developer friendly, high performance web framework for Haskell",
    Link(3, 30305, 1333968061.0, 270,
         "TIL about the Lisp Curse",
    Link(4, 59008, 1334016506.0, 19,
         "The Downfall of Imperative Programming. Functional Programming and the Multicore Revolution",
    Link(5, 8712, 1333993676.0, 26,
         "Open Source - Twitter Stock Market Game - ",
    Link(6, 48626, 1333975127.0, 63,
         "First look: Qt 5 makes JavaScript a first-class citizen for app development",
    Link(7, 30172, 1334017294.0, 5,
         "Benchmark of Dictionary Structures", ""),
    Link(8, 678, 1334014446.0, 7,
         "If It's Not on Prod, It Doesn't Count: The Value of Frequent Releases",
    Link(9, 29168, 1334006443.0, 18,
         "Language proposal: dave",
    Link(17, 48626, 1334020271.0, 1,
         "LispNYC and EmacsNYC meetup Tuesday Night: Large Scale Development with Elisp ",
    Link(101, 62443, 1334018620.0, 4,
         "research!rsc: Zip Files All The Way Down",
    Link(12, 10262, 1334018169.0, 5,
         "The Tyranny of the Diff",
    Link(13, 20831, 1333996529.0, 14,
         "Understanding NIO.2 File Channels in Java 7",
    Link(15, 62443, 1333900877.0, 1244,
         "Why vector icons don't work",
    Link(14, 30650, 1334013659.0, 3,
         "Python - Getting Data Into Graphite - Code Examples",
    Link(16, 15330, 1333985877.0, 9,
         "Mozilla: The Web as the Platform and The Kilimanjaro Event",
    Link(18, 62443, 1333939389.0, 104,
         "github is making me feel stupid(er)",
    Link(19, 6937, 1333949857.0, 39,
         "BitC Retrospective: The Issues with Type Classes",
    Link(20, 51067, 1333974585.0, 14,
         "Object Oriented C: Class-like Structures",
    Link(10, 23944, 1333943632.0, 188,
         "The LOVE game framework version 0.8.0 has been released - with GLSL shader support!",
    Link(22, 39191, 1334005674.0, 11,
         "An open letter to language designers: Please kill your sacred cows. (megarant)",
    Link(21, 3777, 1333996565.0, 2,
         "Developers guide to Garage48 hackatron",
    Link(24, 48626, 1333934004.0, 17,
         "An R programmer looks at Julia",

# links is a list of Link objects. Links have a handful of properties. For
# example, a Link's number of votes can be accessed by link.votes if "link" is a
# Link.

# make the function query() return a list of Links submitted by user 62443, by
# submission time ascending

def query():
    print "hello"
    print [link for link in links if link.submitter_id == 62443] # is does not work
    return sorted([link for link in links if link.submitter_id == 62443],key = lambda x: x[2])

当我像这样在查询函数中使用 is[link for link in links if link.submitter_id is 62443] 我会得到一个空列表。但是如果我使用 ==,它工作正常。

在大多数情况下,代码是直接从 udacity 站点获取的,但我也在我的本地机器上尝试过。同样的结果。所以我认为在这种情况下数字现在是不同的对象,但为什么呢?有这个必要吗?

编辑:是的。我承认这个问题是重复的,应该关闭。但它与 first post 重复不是the second .在发布之前我不知道这个问题。




如果不深入了解您正在使用的特定 Python 版本的实现细节,就无法回答您的问题。 没有关于是否a == b的定义暗示 a is b什么时候ab是数字。这通常是正确的,尤其是对于“小整数”,因为 CPython 保留了小整数对象的缓存,并且通常(不总是!)为给定的小整数值返回相同的对象。但是,没有任何关于它的定义、保证,甚至在各个版本中始终相同。

考虑内存地址可能会有点帮助,因为这就是 id() 的方式在 CPython 中实现。但是其他实现对 id() 使用不同的实现.例如,有人告诉我 id()在 Jython(用 Java 实现的 Python)中实现是一个主要的痛苦,因为 Java 可以在垃圾回收期间在内存中自由移动对象(CPython 不会:在 CPython 中,一个对象总是占用最初分配给它的内存,直到对象变成垃圾)。

唯一预期且受支持的用途 is是检查对象的两个名称是否实际上解析为同一个对象。例如,无论 b 的类型如何, 之后

a = b


a is b

True .这有时很有用。

_sentinel = object() # create a unique object

def somefunc(optional=_sentinel):
    if optional is _sentinel:  # we know for sure nothing was passed

另一个主要用途是让少数对象保证成为单例。 None , TrueFalse就是这方面的例子,而且确实是惯用的写法:

if a is None:


if a == None:

第一种方式成功当且仅当a实际上绑定(bind)到单例 None对象,但如果a,第二种方式可能会成功是满足 a.__eq__(None) 的任何类型返回 True .

不要使用 is对于数字。太疯狂了;-)

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