python - 更改 jupyter notebook 标签小部件中的字体属性

标签 python widget jupyter

我正在尝试修改 python 2.7 中 jupyter 标签小部件的字体属性(粗细、颜色等)。例如,我尝试了以下操作:

import ipywidgets as widgets
myLabel= widgets.Label(value = 'Some Label',color = '#ff0000') #change font color to red




  1. HTML 小部件
  2. 用 latex 标记小部件
text = 'Some text'

htmlWidget = widgets.HTML(value = f"<b><font color='red'>{text}</b>")

labelWidget = widgets.Label(value = r'\(\color{red} {' + text  + '}\)')

enter image description here

更新:现在使用 Ipyvuetify....

import ipyvuetify as v
text = 'Some text'
v.Html(tag="div", children=[text], style_ = "color: red; font-weight: bold")

enter image description here

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