python - Pygame:谁能帮我实现双跳?

标签 python pygame


我的移动系统基于名为 Move(up,left,right,down) 的命名元组 然后是这个:

def update(self, move, blocks):
    # check if we can jump 
    if move.up and self.on_ground:
        self.yvel -= self.jump_speed
    # simple left/right movement
    if move.left:
            self.xvel = -self.move_speed
    if move.right:
            self.xvel = self.move_speed

    # if in the air, fall down
    if not self.on_ground:
        self.yvel += 0.3
        # but not too fast
        if self.yvel > max_gravity: self.yvel = max_gravity

    # if no left/right movement, x speed is 0, of course
    if not (move.left or move.right):
        self.xvel = 0

    # move horizontal, and check for horizontal collisions
    self.rect.left += self.xvel
    self.collide(self.xvel, 0, blocks)

    # move vertically, and check for vertical collisions += self.yvel
    self.on_ground = False
    self.collide(0, self.yvel, blocks)

def collide(self, xvel, yvel, blocks):
    # all blocks that we collide with
    for block in [blocks[i] for i in self.rect.collidelistall(blocks)]:

        # if xvel is > 0, we know our right side bumped 
        # into the left side of a block etc.
        if xvel > 0:
                self.rect.right = block.rect.left;self.xvel=0
        if xvel < 0:
                self.rect.left = block.rect.right;self.xvel=0

        # if yvel > 0, we are falling, so if a collision happpens 
        # we know we hit the ground (remember, we seperated checking for
        # horizontal and vertical collision, so if yvel != 0, xvel is 0)
        if yvel > 0:
            self.rect.bottom =
            self.on_ground = True
            self.yvel = 0
        # if yvel < 0 and a collision occurs, we bumped our head
        # on a block above us
        if yvel < 0: = block.rect.bottom;self.yvel=0

我尝试将第五个变量添加到名为 upUp 的元组中,当调用它时它会触发另一个跳转,无论 on_ground 是否为真。


if e.type==KEYUP:
    if dj==0:
    if dj=-1:

但这根本行不通! 有人有什么建议吗?




  • 在地面上
  • 做跳跃(按下跳跃按钮)
  • 跳跃并在半空中(释放跳跃按钮)
  • 双跳(再次按下跳跃按钮)


def update(self, move, blocks):
    if self.on_ground:
        self.jump_state = 'on_ground'

    if move.up and self.on_ground:
        # jump!
        self.yvel -= self.jump_speed
        self.jump_state = 'jumped'

    if self.jump_state = 'jumped' and not move.up and not self.on_ground:
        self.jump_state = 'ready_for_double_jump'

    if self.jump_state = 'ready_for_double_jump' and move.up:
        # jump!
        self.yvel -= self.jump_speed
        self.jump_state = 'double_jumped'



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