Python 导入模块为 None

标签 python


from authorize import cim
print cim


<module 'authorize.cim' from '.../dist-packages/authorize/cim.pyc'>


class MyClass(object):
    def download(self):
        print cim

运行时显示 cimNone。该模块从未直接分配给此模块中任何位置的 None



正如您自己评论的那样 - 很可能某些代码将 None 归因于模块本身的“cim”名称 - 检查这一点的方法是如果你的大模块将被其他模块设置为“只读” - - 我认为 Python 允许这样做 -

(20 分钟黑客攻击)--

这里 -- 只需将此代码段放入“”文件中,导入它,然后调用 模块末尾的“ProtectdedModule()”,名称“cim”正在消失 - 它应该给你罪魁祸首:

Protects a Module against naive monkey patching  -
may be usefull for debugging large projects where global
variables change without notice.

Just call the "ProtectedModule"  class, with no parameters from the end of 
the module definition you want to protect, and subsequent assignments to it
should fail.


from types import ModuleType
from inspect import currentframe, getmodule
import sys

class ProtectedModule(ModuleType):
    def __init__(self, module=None):
        if module is None:
            module = getmodule(currentframe(1))
        ModuleType.__init__(self, module.__name__, module.__doc__)
        sys.modules[self.__name__] = self

    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
        frame = currentframe(1)
        raise ValueError("Attempt to monkey patch module %s from %s, line %d" % 
            (self.__name__, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno))        

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
    ET = ProtectedModule(ET)
    print dir(ET)
    ET.bla = 10
    print ET.bla

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