c++ - decltype 所需的不完整类型的派生到基转换

标签 c++ inheritance language-lawyer decltype


以下最小示例使用 g++ 编译良好,而不是 clang

struct Base {};

int foo(Base&) {
    return 42;

struct Derived : public Base {
    auto bar() -> decltype(foo(*this)) {
        return foo(*this);

int main()
    Derived derived;

    return 0;

但是,如果我们将 auto bar() -> decltype(foo(*this)) 更改为 decltype(auto) bar() (c++14 扩展),代码也用 clang 编译。神 bolt 链接 https://godbolt.org/z/qf_k6X .


  • auto bar() -> decltype(return expression)decltype(auto) bar() 的区别
  • 为什么编译器之间的行为不同
  • 正确的实现方式是什么?


这是一个 gcc 错误,尾随返回类型不在 完整类上下文中 [class.mem]

A complete-class context of a class is a

  • function body,
  • default argument,
  • noexcept-specifier ([except.spec]),
  • contract condition, or
  • default member initializer

我们看到从[conv.ptr] 派生到基类的转换需要一个完整的类。

A prvalue of type “pointer to cv D”, where D is a complete class type, can be converted to a prvalue of type “pointer to cv B”, where B is a base class of D.


“cv1 T1” is reference-compatible with “cv2 T2” if a prvalue of type “pointer to cv2 T2” can be converted to the type “pointer to cv1 T1” via a standard conversion sequence. In all cases where the reference-compatible relationship of two types is used to establish the validity of a reference binding and the standard conversion sequence would be ill-formed, a program that necessitates such a binding is ill-formed.

另一方面,函数体位于完整类上下文中,因此派生到基类的转换是格式良好的。涉及占位符类型的返回类型 (decltype(auto)) is valid只要它在使用它的表达式之前已经推导出来。

对于 C++11 中可能的解决方法,您可以使用

auto bar() -> decltype(foo(std::declval<Base&>()))
    return foo(*this);

如果你知道你想用 Base 来调用它。

关于c++ - decltype 所需的不完整类型的派生到基转换,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55860264/


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