
标签 c++ class parameters default members

class bst

typedef struct nod
  int data;
  nod* left;
  nod* right;
  nod(int key):data(key),left(NULL),right(NULL){}
 node* root;


void create();
void add(int key,node*curr=root);
void c2ll();
void print(){}

代码无法编译... 我收到以下错误。

ain.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:7:12: error: call to ‘void bst::add(int, bst::node*)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
In file included from bst.cpp:1:0:
bst.h:14:8: error: invalid use of non-static data member ‘bst::root’
  node* root;
bst.h:19:28: error: from this location
 void add(int key,node*curr=root);
bst.h:14:8: error: invalid use of non-static data member ‘bst::root’
  node* root;
bst.cpp:10:34: error: from this location
 void bst::add(int key,node* curr=root)

欢迎任何建议...我试图避免编写包装方法,而是使用 c++ 提供的默认功能


根据 C++ 标准(8.3.6 默认参数)

  1. ...Similarly, a non-static member shall not be used in a default argument, even if it is not evaluated, unless it appears as the id-expression of a class member access expression (5.2.5) or unless it is used to form a pointer to member (5.3.1). [ Example: the declaration of X::mem1() in the following example is ill-formed because no object is supplied for the non-static member X::a used as an initializer.
int b;
class X {
int a;
int mem1(int i = a); // error: non-static member a
// used as default argument
int mem2(int i = b); // OK; use X::b
static int b;

您可以重载函数 add。例如

void add( int key );

void add( int key, node *curr );

默认情况下,第一个函数将使用 root。它可以简单地调用第二个函数作为第二个参数传递节点根。

关于C++默认参数类成员,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27866797/


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