c++ - g++ Double Free 或腐败...但是如何?

标签 c++ free corruption delete-operator

我的代码似乎有问题,想知道你们是否可以帮助我找到问题...我已经尝试使用 gdb 和 valgrind,后者“更有用”,但我仍然无法修复我的错误.


/* vector .h */

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
class Vec
             Vec(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec);
    virtual ~Vec(void);

    Boolean             operator==(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const;
    Boolean             operator!=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const;  
    Boolean             operator< (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const;
    Boolean             operator> (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const;
    Boolean             operator<=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const;
    Boolean             operator>=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const;

    const _TYPE_&       operator[](const Int index) const;
    _TYPE_&             operator[](const Int index);

    Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>  operator+ (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec) const;
    Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>  operator- (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec) const;
    Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>  operator* (const _TYPE_ val ) const;

    _TYPE_              operator* (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec) const;

    Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& operator+=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec);
    Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& operator-=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec);
    Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& operator*=(const _TYPE_ val );

    _TYPE_* __data;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
  me.__data = new _TYPE_[_SIZE_];

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    me.__data[i] = 0;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::Vec(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec)
  me.__data = new _TYPE_[_SIZE_];

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    me.__data[i] = vec[i];

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
  printf("~Vec<%p>...", (void*)this);

  if(me.__data != NOTHING)
    delete[] me.__data;


template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Boolean Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator==(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec) const
  if(this == &vec)
    return true;

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    if(me.__data[i] != vec[i])
      return false;

  return true;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Boolean Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator!=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec) const
  return !(me == vec);

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Boolean Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator< (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const
  if(this == &vec)
    return false;

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    if(me.__data[i] >= vec[i])
      return false;

  return true;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Boolean Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator> (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const
  if(this == &vec)
    return false;

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    if(me.__data[i] <= vec[i])
      return false;

  return true;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Boolean Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator<=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const
  return !(me > vec);

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Boolean Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator>=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec ) const
  return !(me < vec);


template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
const _TYPE_& Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator[](const Int index) const
  return me.__data[index];

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
_TYPE_& Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator[](const Int index)
  return me.__data[index];


template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_> Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator+ (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec) const
  Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_> tmp;

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    tmp[i] = me.__data[i] + vec[i];

  return tmp;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_> Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator- (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec) const
  Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_> tmp;

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    tmp[i] = me.__data[i] - vec[i];

  return tmp;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_> Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator* (const _TYPE_ val ) const
  Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_> tmp;

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    tmp[i] = me.__data[i] * val;

  return tmp;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
_TYPE_ Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator* (const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec) const
  _TYPE_ tmp = 0;

  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    tmp += me.__data[i] * vec[i];

  return tmp;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator+=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec)
  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    me.__data[i] = me.__data[i] + vec[i];

  return me;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator-=(const Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& vec)
  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    me.__data[i] = me.__data[i] - vec[i];

  return me;

template<typename _TYPE_, Int _SIZE_>
Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>& Vec<_TYPE_,_SIZE_>::operator*=(const _TYPE_ val )
  for(Int i = 0; i < _SIZE_; i++)
    me.__data[i] = me.__data[i] * val;

  return me;

**  3D Vector Class.

template<typename _TYPE_>
class Vec3 : public Vec<_TYPE_,3>
    Vec3(_TYPE_ x = 0, _TYPE_ y = 0, _TYPE_ z = 0);
    Vec3(const Vec<_TYPE_,3>& vec);

#define Vec3_f  Vec3<Float>

template<typename _TYPE_>
Vec3<_TYPE_>::Vec3(_TYPE_ x, _TYPE_ y, _TYPE_ z)
  me[XYZ::X] = x;
  me[XYZ::Y] = y;
  me[XYZ::Z] = z;

template<typename _TYPE_>
Vec3<_TYPE_>::Vec3(const Vec<_TYPE_,3>& vec)
  me[XYZ::X] = vec[XYZ::X];
  me[XYZ::Y] = vec[XYZ::Y];
  me[XYZ::Z] = vec[XYZ::Z];

template<typename _TYPE_>


/* 物理状态.h */

class PhysicalState
    PhysicalState(Vec3_f pos = Vec3_f(1,1,1), Vec3_f rot = Vec3_f(2,2,2), Vec3_f scale = Vec3_f(3,3,3));
    PhysicalState(const PhysicalState& phys);

    PhysicalState& operator=(const PhysicalState& phys);

    Vec3_f position;
    Vec3_f rotation;
    Vec3_f scale;

/* 物理状态.cpp */

PhysicalState::PhysicalState(Vec3_f pos, Vec3_f rot, Vec3_f scale)
  me.position = pos;
  me.rotation = rot;
  me.scale    = scale;

PhysicalState::PhysicalState(const PhysicalState& phys)
  me.position = phys.position;
  me.rotation = phys.rotation;
  me.scale    = phys.scale;



PhysicalState& PhysicalState::operator=(const PhysicalState& phys)
  if(this != &phys)
    me.position = phys.position;
    me.rotation = phys.rotation;
    me.scale    = phys.scale;

  return me;

/* 测试.cpp */

int main(void)
  PhysicalState ps;

  return 0;

对长度感到抱歉。这是 valgrind 的输出:

darkdivine@darkdivine-laptop:~/Development/Projects/Engines/DarkDivine$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./Bin/Debug/ valgrind
--track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./Bin/Debug/Test
    ==18549== Memcheck, a memory error detector
    ==18549== Copyright (C) 2002-2009, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
    ==18549== Using Valgrind-3.6.0.SVN-Debian and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
    ==18549== Command: ./Bin/Debug/Test
    ==18549== Invalid free() / delete / delete[]
    ==18549==    at 0x40244D3: operator delete[](void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:409)
    ==18549==    by 0x804905A: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::~Vec() (Vector.h:91)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048FE3: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::~Vec3() (Vector.h:282)
    ==18549==    by 0x4036B69: DarkDivine::PhysicalState::~PhysicalState() (PhysicalState.cpp:23)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048E77: main (Test.cpp:15)
    ==18549==  Address 0x4740128 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 12 free'd
    ==18549==    at 0x40244D3: operator delete[](void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:409)
    ==18549==    by 0x804905A: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::~Vec() (Vector.h:91)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048FE3: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::~Vec3() (Vector.h:282)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048E3B: main (Test.cpp:13)
    ==18549== Invalid free() / delete / delete[]
    ==18549==    at 0x40244D3: operator delete[](void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:409)
    ==18549==    by 0x804905A: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::~Vec() (Vector.h:91)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048FE3: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::~Vec3() (Vector.h:282)
    ==18549==    by 0x4036B77: DarkDivine::PhysicalState::~PhysicalState() (PhysicalState.cpp:23)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048E77: main (Test.cpp:15)
    ==18549==  Address 0x4740168 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 12 free'd
    ==18549==    at 0x40244D3: operator delete[](void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:409)
    ==18549==    by 0x804905A: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::~Vec() (Vector.h:91)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048FE3: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::~Vec3() (Vector.h:282)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048E04: main (Test.cpp:13)
    ==18549== Invalid free() / delete / delete[]
    ==18549==    at 0x40244D3: operator delete[](void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:409)
    ==18549==    by 0x804905A: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::~Vec() (Vector.h:91)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048FE3: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::~Vec3() (Vector.h:282)
    ==18549==    by 0x4036B9C: DarkDivine::PhysicalState::~PhysicalState() (PhysicalState.cpp:23)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048E77: main (Test.cpp:15)
    ==18549==  Address 0x47401a8 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 12 free'd
    ==18549==    at 0x40244D3: operator delete[](void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:409)
    ==18549==    by 0x804905A: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::~Vec() (Vector.h:91)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048FE3: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::~Vec3() (Vector.h:282)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048DE2: main (Test.cpp:13)
    ==18549== HEAP SUMMARY:
    ==18549==     in use at exit: 36 bytes in 3 blocks
    ==18549==   total heap usage: 10 allocs, 10 frees, 120 bytes allocated
    ==18549== 12 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 3
    ==18549==    at 0x402532E: operator new[](unsigned int) (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
    ==18549==    by 0x804923C: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::Vec() (Vector.h:72)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048F76: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::Vec3(float, float, float) (Vector.h:265)
    ==18549==    by 0x40367F1: DarkDivine::PhysicalState::PhysicalState(DarkDivine::Vec3<float>, DarkDivine::Vec3<float>, DarkDivine::Vec3<float>) (PhysicalState.cpp:6)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048DD7: main (Test.cpp:13)
    ==18549== 12 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 3
    ==18549==    at 0x402532E: operator new[](unsigned int) (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
    ==18549==    by 0x804923C: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::Vec() (Vector.h:72)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048F76: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::Vec3(float, float, float) (Vector.h:265)
    ==18549==    by 0x403681A: DarkDivine::PhysicalState::PhysicalState(DarkDivine::Vec3<float>, DarkDivine::Vec3<float>, DarkDivine::Vec3<float>) (PhysicalState.cpp:6)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048DD7: main (Test.cpp:13)
    ==18549== 12 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 3 of 3
    ==18549==    at 0x402532E: operator new[](unsigned int) (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
    ==18549==    by 0x804923C: DarkDivine::Vec<float, 3>::Vec() (Vector.h:72)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048F76: DarkDivine::Vec3<float>::Vec3(float, float, float) (Vector.h:265)
    ==18549==    by 0x4036843: DarkDivine::PhysicalState::PhysicalState(DarkDivine::Vec3<float>, DarkDivine::Vec3<float>, DarkDivine::Vec3<float>) (PhysicalState.cpp:6)
    ==18549==    by 0x8048DD7: main (Test.cpp:13)
    ==18549== LEAK SUMMARY:
    ==18549==    definitely lost: 36 bytes in 3 blocks
    ==18549==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
    ==18549==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
    ==18549==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
    ==18549==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
    ==18549== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
    ==18549== ERROR SUMMARY: 6 errors from 6 contexts (suppressed: 63 from 6)

提前感谢任何可以帮助我的人,这让我发疯了!! 广东省。

附言:我=(*这个); 什么都没有 = 0;


您的 vector 类有一个指针成员,但没有定义赋值运算符。赋值发生在 PhysicalState 的构造函数中,您可以在其中按值传递 Vectors。

使用 std::vector 或 boost::array。请。

关于c++ - g++ Double Free 或腐败...但是如何?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3153966/


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