c++ - 给模板化函数取别名

标签 c++

您可以使用 typedef 为类型创建更短更简单的名称:

typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock;
typedef Clock::time_point TimePoint;
typedef std::chrono::seconds Seconds;
typedef std::chrono::milliseconds Milliseconds;


typedef std::chrono::duration<float, std::ratio<1>> RealDuration;

// Example usage
float dt = RealDuration(a - b).count();


typedef void (*FuncPtr)(int,int);


template<typename T> using uptr = std::unique_ptr<T>;

// Example usage
uptr<int> myInt;
uptr<foo> myFoo;

但是如何创建一个指向模板函数的别名/指针呢?例如,如果我希望能够使用名称 DurationCast 来编写如下内容:

x = DurationCast<Seconds>(a - b);
y = DurationCast<Milliseconds>(c - d);

缩短函数需要做些什么std::chrono::duration_cast<T>()只需 DurationCast<T>()没有简单地去using namespace std::chrono;using std::chrono::duration_cast;路由,而且不用自己写函数对象来实现吗?

编辑: 我想我可以围绕它写一个简单的包装器:

template<typename ToType, typename FromType>
ToType DurationCast(const FromType& d)
    return std::chrono::duration_cast<ToType>(d);


x = DurationCast<Seconds>(a - b);


how can you create an alias/pointer to a templated function?


template <typename T>
void foo()
    std::cout << "foo!" << (T)3.14f << std::endl;

template <typename T>
constexpr void(*foo_alias)() = &foo<T>;

int main()
   foo_alias<int>();    // 3
   foo_alias<float>();  // 3.14

For example, if I want to be able to use the name DurationCast (...) What needs to be done to shorten the function std::chrono::duration_cast<T>() to just DurationCast<T>() ?


template <typename T, class Rep, class Period>
constexpr T(*DurationCast)(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>&) = &std::chrono::duration_cast<T, Rep, Period>;

std::chrono::seconds s(1);
std::chrono::milliseconds ms = DurationCast<std::chrono::milliseconds, float, std::ratio<1>>(s);
//                                                                     ~~~~^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~^
//                                                       explicit representation and period


关于c++ - 给模板化函数取别名,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26184190/


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