c++ - 关于 C++ 运算符的基本问题?

标签 c++ operators


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main()
int a;
cout << "Enter a number for a: "; //Prompts the user for a and b inputs
cin >> a;

int b;
cout << "Enter a number for b: ";
cin >> b;

cout << "A is " << a << "\tB is " << b << end1;
cout <<"Sum of a and b is equal to " << a << "+" << b << "and the result is " << (a + b) << end1;
cout <<"Product of a and b is equal to " << a << "*" << b << "and the result is " << (a * b) << end1;
cout <<"a > b is " << a << ">" << b << "and the result is " << (a > b) << end1;
cout <<"a < b is " << a << ">" << b << "and the result is " << (a < b) << end1;
cout <<"a == b is " << a << "==" << b << "and the result is " << (a == b) << end1;
cout <<"a >= b is " << a << ">=" << b << "and the result is " << (a >= b) << end1;
cout <<"a <= b is " << a << "<=" << b << "and the result is " << (a <= b) << end1;
cout <<"a != b is " << a << "!=" << b << "and the result is " << (a != b) << end1;

return 0;


main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:10:44: error: 'end1' was not declared in this scope




  • end1 -> endl (助记符:行尾)
  • 删除分号(分号结束语句,下一条语句将开始 << ?)
  • 将子表达式括起来(为了获得正确的优先级)

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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int a;
    cout << "Enter a number for a: "; //Prompts the user for a and b inputs
    cin >> a;
    int b;
    cout << "Enter a number for b: ";
    cin >> b;
    cout << "A is "                           << a << "\tB is " << b << endl
         << "Sum of a and b is equal to "     << a << "+"       << b << "and the result is " << (a + b) << endl
         << "Product of a and b is equal to " << a << "*"       << b << "and the result is " << (a * b) << endl
         << "a > b is "                       << a << ">"       << b << "and the result is " << (a > b) << endl
         << "a < b is "                       << a << ">"       << b << "and the result is " << (a < b) << endl
         << "a == b is "                      << a << "=="      << b << "and the result is " << (a == b) << endl
         << "a >= b is "                      << a << ">="      << b << "and the result is " << (a >= b) << endl
         << "a <= b is "                      << a << "<="      << b << "and the result is " << (a <= b) << endl
         << "a != b is "                      << a << "!="      << b << "and the result is " << (a != b) << endl;
    return 0;


Enter a number for a: 3
Enter a number for b: 4
A is 3  B is 4
Sum of a and b is equal to 3+4and the result is 7
Product of a and b is equal to 3*4and the result is 12
a > b is 3>4and the result is 0
a < b is 3>4and the result is 1
a == b is 3==4and the result is 0
a >= b is 3>=4and the result is 0
a <= b is 3<=4and the result is 1
a != b is 3!=4and the result is 1

关于c++ - 关于 C++ 运算符的基本问题?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18905859/


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