C++ 模板参数更改对指针的引用

标签 c++ templates pointers



    typename SpecType,
    SpecType NonType >
struct Struct

SpecType 是对指针的引用时(例如 const char *&),NonType 的行为就好像它是实际的专门论点,而不是引用。 更令人惊讶的是,如果我将 NonType 显式转换为 SpecType,一切都会按预期进行!




    typename SpecType,
    SpecType &NonType >

但它无法解释我所看到的。 任何人都可以给出一个深刻的(或愚蠢的,如果是我的愚蠢)解释吗?


#include    <iostream>
#include    <typeinfo>

using namespace std;

void    f1( const char **p )
    cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "f1( const char **p ): p = \"" << p << "\"" << endl;

void    f1( const char *p )
    cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "f1( const char *p ): p = \"" << p << "\"" << endl;

void    f1( const int **p )
    cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "f1( const int **p ): p = \"" << p << "\"" << endl;

void    f1( const int *p )
    cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "f1( const int *p ): p = \"" << p << "\"" << endl;

    typename SpecType,
    SpecType NonType >
struct Struct
    void    f( )
        cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cout << "SpecType is " << typeid( SpecType ).name( ) << endl;
        cout << "NonType is " << typeid( NonType ).name( ) << endl;
        cout << "NonType = \"" << NonType << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "( SpecType )NonType = \"" << ( SpecType )NonType << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "*NonType = \"" << *NonType << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "*NonType[ 0 ] = \"" << **NonType << "\"" << endl;

        f1( NonType );

template< const char *&P >
struct  S1
    void    f( )
        cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cout << "&P = \"" << &P << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "P = \"" << P << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "*P = \"" << *P << "\"" << endl;

        f1( P );

template< const char **P >
struct  S2
    void    f( )
        cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cout << "P = \"" << P << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "*P = \"" << *P << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "*P[ 0 ] = \"" << **P << "\"" << endl;

        f1( P );

const char * const_pname    = "name";

const int   pint[]  = { 42, 51 };
const int   *const_pint = pint;

int main( )
    cout << "=============================================" << endl;
    cout << "const_pname = " << const_pname << endl;
    cout << "@const_pname = 0x" << hex << ( unsigned long )const_pname << dec << endl;
    cout << "&const_pname = 0x" << hex << ( unsigned long )&const_pname << dec << endl;

    cout << "=============================================" << endl;
    cout << "Struct< const char *&, const_pname >   constpTtname" << endl;
    Struct< const char *&, const_pname >    constpTtname;
    constpTtname.f( );

    cout << "=============================================" << endl;
    cout << "Struct< const int *&, const_pint > constpTtint" << endl;
    Struct< const int *&, const_pint >  constpTtint;
    constpTtint.f( );

    cout << "=============================================" << endl;
    cout << "S1< const_pname >  s1" << endl;
    S1< const_pname >   s1;
    s1.f( );

    cout << "=============================================" << endl;
    cout << "S2< &const_pname > s2" << endl;
    S2< &const_pname >  s2;
    s2.f( );

    return  0;


$ ./nontype_mutant
const_pname = name
@const_pname = x401624                                                                   
&const_pname = 0x601e18                                                                   
Struct< const char *&, const_pname >    constpTtname                                      
SpecType is PKc                                                                           
NonType is PKc                                                                            
NonType = "$@"                                                                            
( SpecType )NonType = "name"                                                              
*NonType = "name"                                                                         
*NonType[ 0 ] = "n"                                                                       
f1( const char *p ): p = "$@"                                                             
Struct< const int *&, const_pint >      constpTtint                                       
SpecType is PKi                                                                           
NonType is PKi                                                                            
NonType = "0x601e20"                                                                      
( SpecType )NonType = "0x4017a8"                                                          
*NonType = "0x4017a8"                                                                     
*NonType[ 0 ] = "42"                                                                      
f1( const int *p ): p = "0x601e20"                                                        
S1< const_pname >       s1
&P = "0x601e18"
P = "name"
*P = "n"
f1( const char *p ): p = "name"
S2< &const_pname >      s2
P = "0x601e18"
*P = "name"
*P[ 0 ] = "n"
f1( const char **p ): p = "0x601e18"



test.cpp:44:41: error: indirection requires pointer operand ('int' invalid)
        cout << "*NonType[ 0 ] = \"" << **NonType << "\"" << endl;
test.cpp:93:18: note: in instantiation of member function 'Struct<const char *&, const_pname>::f' requested here
    constpTtname.f( );
test.cpp:44:41: error: indirection requires pointer operand ('int' invalid)
        cout << "*NonType[ 0 ] = \"" << **NonType << "\"" << endl;
test.cpp:98:17: note: in instantiation of member function 'Struct<const int *&, const_pint>::f' requested here
    constpTtint.f( );
2 errors generated.

错误消息对我来说似乎是正确且不言而喻的。这是使用 clang 的结果。 Comeau 的基于 EDG 的编译器是另一个给出与此非常相似的消息的编译器。

g++ 编译了它(我认为是错误的)并给出了类似于您报告的输出。

关于C++ 模板参数更改对指针的引用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5316262/


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