c++ - 扫描用户输入以查找数组中声明的字符串

标签 c++ arrays

我正在创建一个程序,用于扫描用户输入的数组中列出的单词。 find() 函数似乎可以工作,但我找不到任何说明如何为我想做的事情实现它的信息。我对编程还很陌生(很明显)。

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

string subj [5]={"I","He","She","We","They"};
string verb [5]={" like"," hate"," sacrifice"," smell"," eat"};
string obj [5]={" bacon","s cats","s bagels","s children","s cops"};
string greeting [5]={"How are you","How's it going","Sup dude","Hey","Hello"};
string negvibe [4]={"bad","terrible","lousy","meh"};

string userfeeling;

int main()
    int rando = rand() %5;//generates a random number between 0 and 4
    int rando1 = rand() %5;
    int rando2 = rand() %5;

    cout << greeting [rando1] << "." << endl;

    if .... // What has to be done here?
         find(negvibe, negvibe + 4, userfeeling) != negvibe + 4);
    // Something like that?

    // then ...
        cout << subj[rando] << verb[rando1] << obj[rando2] <<"." <<endl;
    return 0;



if(find(std::begin(negvibe), std::end(negvibe), userfeeling) != std::end(negvibe)){
  //code you want to happen if your word is found

同样在您当前的代码中,if 语句实际上没有做任何事情,因为您以分号而不是 {} 结束它,或者如果它是一行则将其留空。您也可以看到 if 语句的示例

下面是查找和迭代器的链接 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/find/

关于c++ - 扫描用户输入以查找数组中声明的字符串,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46169478/


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