c++ - 如何使用运算符编写可继承的模板类

标签 c++ templates inheritance operator-overloading



template<typename T> struct TMonoPixel
    T value;

    TMonoPixel(T v) { value = v; }

    // the template has some pure virtual functions here...

    TMonoPixel operator+ (const TMonoPixel& other)
    { return TMonoPixel(value + other.value); }

struct Mono8Pixel : TMonoPixel<uint8_t>
    using TMonoPixel::TMonoPixel;    // I want to inherit the constructor
    // each pixel type implements the virtual functions in the template

如您所见,Mono8Pixel 结构继承了 +接受 TMonoPixel 的运算符,但使用此运算符返回 TMonoPixel<uint8_t>而不是 Mono8Pixel因为它是在基类中定义的。


Image* img; // img has an unsigned char* pointer to its pixel data
for (int row=0; row<img->height; row++) {
    for (int col=0; col<img->width; col++) {
        int i = (row*img->width + col);
        Mono8Pixel* pixel = reinterpret_cast<Mono8Pixel*>(img->dataPtr + sizeof(unsigned char)*i);
        // modify the pixel ...

有没有办法只改变模板类来确保Mono8Pixel(2) + Mono8Pixel(2)正在返回 Mono8Pixel



您可以使用奇怪的循环模板模式 (CRTP) 来完成您想要的。基本思想是这样的:

template<class Pixel> struct TMonoPixel {

    // not virtual
    std::string GetSomeProperty() const {
        return static_cast<const Pixel&>(*this).GetSomeProperty();

    Pixel operator+(const TMonoPixel& other) const {
        return Pixel(value + other.value);

struct Mono8Pixel : TMonoPixel<Mono8Pixel> {
    using TMonoPixel::TMonoPixel;

    std::string GetSomeProperty() const {
        return "My name is Mono8Pixel";


template<class T>
void foo(const TMonoPixel<T>& number) {
    std::cout << number.GetSomeProperty();    

Mono8Pixel i;

请注意,在 TMonoPixel 中,Pixel 是一个不完整的类型,因此您对它的使用方式有一些限制。例如,您不能这样做:

template<class Pixel> struct TMonoPixel {
    Pixel::Type operator+(const TMonoPixel& other);

struct Mono8Pixel : TMonoPixel<Mono8Pixel> {
    using Type = std::uint8_t;


struct Mono8Pixel;

template<class Pixel> struct ValueType;

template<> struct ValueType<Mono8Pixel> {
    using Type = std::uint8_t;

template<class Pixel> struct TMonoPixel {
    using Type = typename ValueType<Pixel>::Type;
    Type value;

    TMonoPixel(Type value) : value(value)

    Pixel operator+(const TMonoPixel& other) const {
        return Pixel(value + other.value);

struct Mono8Pixel : TMonoPixel<Mono8Pixel> {
    using TMonoPixel::TMonoPixel;

Mono8Pixel(2) + Mono8Pixel(2) 的类型是Mono8Pixel

So I guess I'm asking whether these CRTP-based structs have standard layout after all of these changes to the type of value.




关于c++ - 如何使用运算符编写可继承的模板类,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56482314/


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