c++ - 模板类类型调整

标签 c++ visual-studio-2008 templates sizeof circular-buffer


template <class T> class CRingBuffer { /* ... */ };

此类执行的某些操作依赖于对 T 大小的准确评估。这似乎在 TBYTE 时工作正常(即 sizeof(T) == 1,检查)。但是,当我尝试使用 TDWORD 的同一类时,由于某种原因 sizeof(T) 的计算结果为 16。最后一次我检查过,一个双字是 4 个字节,而不是 16 个字节。有人知道为什么会这样吗?谢谢。



template <class T> class CRingBuffer
#pragma pack( push , 1 )                // align on a 1-byte boundary

typedef struct BUFFER_FLAGS_tag
    T * pHead;                          // Points to next buffer location to write
    T * pTail;                          // Points to next buffer location to read
    BOOL blFull;                        // Indicates whether buffer is full.
    BOOL blEmpty;                       // Indicates whether buffer is empty.
    BOOL blOverrun;                     // Indicates buffer overrun.
    BOOL blUnderrun;                    // Indicates buffer underrun.
    DWORD dwItemCount;                  // Buffer item count.

#pragma pack( pop )                     // end 1-byte boundary alignment

    // Private member variable declarations
    T * m_pBuffer;                      // Buffer location in system memory
    T * m_pStart;                       // Buffer start location in system memory
    T * m_pEnd;                         // Buffer end location in system memory
    BUFFER_FLAGS m_tFlags;              // Buffer flags.
    DWORD m_dwCapacity;                 // The buffer capacity.

    // CRingBuffer
    CRingBuffer( DWORD items = DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE );

    // Public member function declarations
    DWORD Add( T * pItems, DWORD num = 1, LPDWORD pAdded = NULL );
    DWORD Peek( T * pBuf, DWORD num = -1, DWORD offset = 0, LPDWORD pWritten = NULL );
    DWORD Delete( DWORD num, LPDWORD pDeleted = NULL );
    DWORD Remove( T * pBuf, DWORD num = 1, LPDWORD pRemoved = NULL );
    void Flush( void );
    DWORD GetItemCount( void );
    BYTE GetErrorStatus( void );

    // Private member function declarations
    void IncrementHead( LPBUFFER_FLAGS pFlags = NULL );
    void IncrementTail( LPBUFFER_FLAGS pFlags = NULL );

template <class T> void CRingBuffer<T>::IncrementHead( LPBUFFER_FLAGS pFlags )
    ASSERT(this->m_pBuffer != NULL);
    ASSERT(this->m_pStart != NULL);
    ASSERT(this->m_pEnd != NULL);
    ASSERT(this->m_tFlags.pHead != NULL);
    ASSERT(this->m_tFlags.pTail != NULL);

    pFlags = ( pFlags == NULL ) ? &(this->m_tFlags) : pFlags;

    // Verify overrun condition is not set.
    if ( pFlags->blOverrun == FALSE )
        pFlags->pHead += sizeof(T); // increament buffer head pointer
        pFlags->blUnderrun = FALSE; // clear underrun condition

        // Correct for wrap condition.
        if ( pFlags->pHead == this->m_pEnd )
            pFlags->pHead = this->m_pStart;

        // Check for overrun.
        if ( pFlags->pHead == pFlags->pTail )
            pFlags->blOverrun = TRUE;

上述问题发生在执行IncrementHeadpFlags->pHead += sizeof(T);时。



在没有意识到的情况下,在 pFlags->pHead += sizeof(T); 中您使用了指针算法。 pHead 是指向 T 的指针,当您将它增加 sizeof(T) 时,意味着您将它向前移动了那么多元素键入 T,而不是像您想象的那么多字节。所以 T 的大小是平方的。如果您的目标是将指针移动到缓冲区的下一个元素,您应该将其递增 1:pFlags->pHead += 1;

关于c++ - 模板类类型调整,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5984807/


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