c++ - 从具有公共(public)基础的函数对象乘法继承 (C++)

标签 c++ templates multiple-inheritance

我有几个没有成员变量的函数对象。函数对象本质上非常简单。它们都继承自unary_function<>binary_function<> .例如,一些函数对象可能是这样的:

struct key_to_hash_method_1 : public binary_function<int, int, int>
  int operator() (int a, int b) const { /* do something */ }

template <typename key_to_hash_method>
struct hash_shrink_method_1 : public binary_function<int, int, int>, public key_to_hash_method
  int operator() (int a, int b) const { /* do something while utilizing key_to_hash_method */ }

/* and more variations of these function objects */


template <typename hash_method>
class foo : public hash_method 
/* do something while using hash_method as well as using the information provided by binary_function<> to selective compile different functions*/



从上面的代码可以看出,binary_function<int, int, int>将被继承两次,从而产生警告(在 VC++ 2008 中):

Warning 1   warning C4584: 'hash_shrink_method_1<key_to_hash_method>' : base-class 'std::binary_function<_Arg1,_Arg2,_Result>' is already a base-class of 'key_to_hash_method_1'    c:\visual studio 2008\projects\defaulttemplatearguments\main.cpp    12


我的直接解决方案是不继承 binary_function<>因为我假设 key_to_hash_method将是 binary_function .这个解决方案感觉有点像无权访问 include guards 或 pragma once 的程序员。陈述。是的,他可以避免两次包含 header ,但他宁愿编译器为他弄清楚。在这种情况下,我也希望如此。


#include <functional>

using namespace std;

struct key_to_hash_method_1 : public binary_function<int, int, int>
  int operator() (int a, int b) const { return a + b; }

template <typename key_to_hash_method>
struct hash_shrink_method_1 : public binary_function<int, int, int>, public key_to_hash_method
  int operator() (int a, int b) const { return key_to_hash_method::operator()(1, 2) * 5; }

template <typename hash_method>
class foo : public hash_method 
  int test() 
    /* in actual code, this function selectively calls other functions 
       depending on whether hash_method is unary or binary */ 
    return hash_method::operator()(5, 6); 

int main()
  foo<hash_shrink_method_1<key_to_hash_method_1> > f;
  printf("%i\n", f.test());


您的 hash_shrink_method_1 不需要直接从 binary_function 继承,因为您假设它的参数类 key_to_hash_method 已经这样做了。如果你想确定,你可以添加一个静态断言(std::is_base_of);不过,如果您已经拥有 C++11,则无论如何都可以取消过时的 binary_function

关于c++ - 从具有公共(public)基础的函数对象乘法继承 (C++),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8982430/


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