c++ - 关于重载运算符的问题 <<

标签 c++ operator-overloading

正在尝试研究 C++ 函数模板。作为其中的一部分,我在下面有这段代码。它工作正常,但我有以下问题:-

1] 为什么运算符<<重载函数需要友元?如果我删除关键字 friend ,它会给出编译错误:operator << has too many parameters.

2] 为什么运算符 << 重载函数需要返回对 ostream 对象的引用,这也是它的输入参数?


template <class T>
T Average(T *atArray, int nNumValues)
    T tSum = 0;
    for (int nCount=0; nCount < nNumValues; nCount++)
        tSum += atArray[nCount];

    tSum /= nNumValues;
    return tSum;

class Cents
    int m_nCents;
    Cents(int nCents)
        : m_nCents(nCents)

    //Why is friend needed below

    //Why does it need to return ostream&, why can't it have void return type, as all it is doing is printing the class private member.
    friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, const Cents &cCents)
        out << cCents.m_nCents << " cents ";
        return out;

    void operator <<( const Cents &cCents) //did not work - compilation errors
        cout << cCents.m_nCents << " cents ";

    void operator+=(Cents cCents)
        m_nCents += cCents.m_nCents;

    void operator/=(int nValue)
        m_nCents /= nValue;

int main()
    int anArray[] = { 5, 3, 2, 1, 4 };
    cout << Average(anArray, 5) << endl;

    double dnArray[] = { 3.12, 3.45, 9.23, 6.34 };
    cout << Average(dnArray, 4) << endl;

    Cents cArray[] = { Cents(5), Cents(10), Cents(15), Cents(14) };
    cout << Average(cArray, 4) << endl;

    return 0;


Why is the operator << overloading function need to be friend ? If I remove the keyword friend it gives compilation error saying : operator << has too many parameters.

这就是为什么您需要为您自己的类型实现这些( <<>> )运算符作为非成员函数。由于您需要在运算符定义中访问类对象的私有(private)/ protected 成员变量,因此需要将这些重载运算符声明为类的友元。

Why does the operator << overloading function need to return a reference to ostream object which is also an input argument to it?




Templates are used for a user defined class which has overloaded functions?

模板帮助您实现通用函数和类,它们可以被不同的调用 数据类型,编译器负责为这些特定数据类型生成代码。所以以上两点是没有关系的。

<强> Operator overloading

关于c++ - 关于重载运算符的问题 <<,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7473522/


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