c++ - VS 2010 中 C++ 中的 static_cast 无法从 void* 转换为 size_t 错误

标签 c++


error C2036: 'void *' : unknown size
error C2440: 'static_cast' : cannot convert from 'void *' to 'size_t'


void *addr = static_cast <void*> (static_cast <size_t> (mem + bytesAlreadyAllocated));



class MemoryChunk {
    MemoryChunk (MemoryChunk *nextChunk, size_t chunkSize);
    ~MemoryChunk() {delete mem; }

    inline void *alloc (size_t size);
    inline void free (void* someElement);

    // Pointer to next memory chunk on the list.
    MemoryChunk *nextMemChunk() {return next;}
    // How much space do we have left on this memory chunk?
    size_t spaceAvailable() { return chunkSize - bytesAlreadyAllocated; }

    // this is the default size of a single memory chunk.
    enum { DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 4096 };

    // The MemoryChunk class is a cleaner version of NextOnFreeList. It separates the next pointer from
    // the actual memory used for the allocated object. It uses explicit next and mem pointers, with no 
    // need for casting.

    MemoryChunk *next;
    void *mem;

    // The size of a single memory chunk.
    size_t chunkSize;
    // This many bytes already allocated on the current memory chunk.
    size_t bytesAlreadyAllocated;

MemoryChunk::MemoryChunk(MemoryChunk *nextChunk, size_t reqSize) {
    chunkSize = (reqSize > DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) ? reqSize : DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;
    next = nextChunk;
    bytesAlreadyAllocated = 0;
    mem = new char [chunkSize];

void* MemoryChunk :: alloc (size_t requestSize) {
    void *addr = static_cast <void*> (static_cast <size_t> (mem + bytesAlreadyAllocated));
    bytesAlreadyAllocated += requestSize;
    return addr;

inline void MemoryChunk :: free (void *doomed) {}



static_cast <size_t> (mem + bytesAlreadyAllocated)

使用未定义大小的类型 (void) 应用偏移量。由于 void 没有大小,程序的格式不正确。

char* 是适合您在此场景中使用的指针。例如:

`char* mem;`
 // and
 char* addr(mem + bytesAlreadyAllocated);



#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    const int array[3] = {-1, 0, 1};
    std::cout << *(array + 0) << ", "
      << *(array + 1) << ", " << *(array + 2) << "\n";
    return 0;

输出为 -1, 0, 1。根据数组元素的大小和类型应用元素偏移量。使用 void -- 大小不正确。

关于c++ - VS 2010 中 C++ 中的 static_cast 无法从 void* 转换为 size_t 错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10381558/


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