c++ - 什么时候一个模板比另一个模板更专业? 'And'/'Or' 与逻辑混淆。

标签 c++ c++11 partial-ordering


If for each type being considered a given template is at least as specialized for all types and more specialized for some set of types and the other template is not more specialized for any types or is not at least as specialized for any types, then the given template is more specialized than the other template.


T1, T2, T3
U1, U2, U3

如果所有 T 至少都一样特化,而有些则更特化。并且没有一个 U 更特化,那么在我看来,从逻辑上讲,T 的集合作为一个整体比 U 的集合更特化。当我们没有一个至少比相应的 Ts 特化时,为什么还有提到的后备?


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If for each type being considered a given template is at least as specialized for all types, and

  • more specialized for some set of types and the other template is not more specialized for any types, or
  • {the other template} is not at least as specialized for any types,

then the given template is more specialized than the other template.


template<typename T> void f(T*);
template<typename T> void f(T);

请注意,第一个模板的参数至少与第二个模板一样特化,但并未定义为“更特化” - 该术语仅适用于两个参数都是引用且适用某些条件的情况(参见第 9 段14.8.2.4) 。这些规则显然要遵循任何正式的订购法。第二个模板至少不像第一个模板那样专门化。这意味着第二个项目符号适用,而不是第一个项目符号。

关于c++ - 什么时候一个模板比另一个模板更专业? 'And'/'Or' 与逻辑混淆。,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15702143/



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