c++ - 使 std::thread 异常安全的最简单方法

标签 c++ multithreading c++11 exception

std::thread 类本质上是异常不安全的,因为它的析构函数调用 std::terminate

std::thread t( function );
// do some work
// (might throw!)

当然,您可以将构造和 join() 之间的所有内容放在 try-catch block 中,但如果您知道要加入或分离,这可能会变得乏味且容易出错不管发生什么。

所以我在想如何围绕它编写最简单的包装器,但同时也支持其他假设类型的线程。例如,boost::thread 或完全不同的东西,只要它有 joinable()join()detach () 方法。这是我的进展情况:

// handles threads safely
// Acts the same as the underlying thread type, except during destruction.
// If joinable, will call join (and block!) during destruction.
// Keep in mind that any exception handling will get delayed because of that;
// it needs to wait for the thread to finish its work first.
template <class UNDERLYING_THREAD = std::thread>
class scoped_thread: public UNDERLYING_THREAD
    typedef UNDERLYING_THREAD thread_type;

    using thread_type::thread_type;

            : thread_type() {}

    scoped_thread( scoped_thread && other )
            : thread_type( std::move( other ) ) {}

    scoped_thread & operator = ( scoped_thread && other )
        thread_type & ref = *this;
        ref = std::move( other );
        return *this;

        if( thread_type::joinable() )

// handles autonomous threads safely
// Acts the same as the underlying thread type, except during destruction.
// If joinable, will call detach during destruction.
// Make sure it doesn't use any scoped resources since the thread can remain
// running after they go out of scope!
template <class UNDERLYING_THREAD = std::thread>
class free_thread
    // same except it calls detach();




如果你想对异步任务进行适当的异常处理,也许你应该使用 std::future 而不是 std::thread。您可以在未来使用 get() 而不是使用 join(),如果 future 抛出异常,则 get() 将导致相同的异常。


#include <future>
#include <iostream>

int my_future_task(int my_arg) {
    throw std::runtime_error("BAD STUFF!");
    return my_arg;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    auto my_future = std::async(my_future_task, 42);
    try {
    catch(std::exception &e) {
        std::cout << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    return 0;


关于c++ - 使 std::thread 异常安全的最简单方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33307099/


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