c# - C# 中的非托管 C++ DLL ... WINAPI 和指针

标签 c# c++ pointers pinvoke dllimport

我被要求在我的项目中集成网络摄像头 ZoneTrigger。站点中提供的 SDK 也是 C++ 示例。我已经能够使用一些功能。我被卡住的地方是完成回调的函数。 示例c++中的回调函数代码



typedef int (WINAPI *f_ZT_SetCallbackProc) (void *proc);
Sets up the callback function for your application.
The proc should be declared like this:

int WINAPI ZoneTriggerCallbackProc(int MessageType, ZT_TRIG_STRUCT *trigInfo);

MessageType may be one of the following:
0:  Zone Trigger sends a trig. The trigInfo contains data about the hot spots that generated the trig.
1:  Zone Trigger has started and is notifying us that it is ready. This only occurs when Zone Trigger starts after the interface DLL is loaded.
2:  Zone Trigger is shutting down. You application may need to know this. If Zone Trigger is started again, your application will get message 1.
3:  Zone Trigger's Hot spot scheme has changed (a Hot Spot was added or deleted)

我的 C# 代码:

    private static extern IntPtr ZT_SetCallbackProc(int ZoneTriggerCallbackProc);

 private unsafe int ZoneTriggerCallbackProc(int MessageType, ref ZT_TRIG_STRUCT trigInfo)
        switch (MessageType)

            case 0:     //Trig from a Zone Trigger hot spot
                // string s1 = new string(trigInfo.SpotName);
                MessageBox.Show("Got a trig from spot" + trigInfo.SpotIndex.ToString()+ s1 );

            case 1:     //Zone Trigger has started and is notifying us that it is ready
                MessageBox.Show("Zone Trigger issued a ready notification.\r\n");

            case 2:     //Zone Trigger is shutting down
                MessageBox.Show("Zone Trigger has left the building.\r\n");

            case 3:     //Hot spot scheme updated, you might want yo re-enumerate the hot spots
                MessageBox.Show("Zone Trigger's hot spots have been updated.\r\n");

        return 0;

到目前为止我已经达到...但是我不明白如何调用 ZT_SetCallbackProc 函数?

 IntPtr tg = IntPtr.Zero;
            tg = ZT_SetCallbackProc(ZoneTriggerCallbackProc);

这给出了 ZoneTriggerCallbackProc 是一个方法组的错误。请帮忙...提前致谢。


丹尼尔的 answer有简单快捷的路线。如果您不想遇到问题(因为委托(delegate)可能会被 GC 收集并导致 AccessViolationException),您将需要执行以下操作。

Daniel 的类型/pinvoke 声明(为了完整性):

// int WINAPI ZoneTriggerCallbackProc(int MessageType, ZT_TRIG_STRUCT *trigInfo);  
delegate int ZoneTriggerCallbackProc(int messageType, ref ZT_TRIG_STRUCT trigInfo); 
private static extern IntPtr ZT_SetCallbackProc(ZoneTriggerCallbackProc callbackProc);  

在您的包装类中,保留对委托(delegate)的引用,以便 GC 在设置回调时不会收集委托(delegate)。

public class ZoneTrigger : CriticalFinalizerObject
  private ZoneTriggerCallbackProc _zoneTriggerCallback;
  private IntPtr _zoneTriggerCallbackCookie;

  public ZoneTrigger()
    _zoneTriggerCallback = ZoneTriggerCallback;
    // Why not just do it here?
    _zoneTriggerCallbackCookie = NativeMethods.ZT_SetCallbackProc(_zoneTriggerCallback);
    if (_zoneTriggerCallbackCookie == IntPtr.Zero)
       throw new Exception("Failed to set callback");

   private unsafe int ZoneTriggerCallback(int MessageType, ref ZT_TRIG_STRUCT trigInfo)
     // ...

     var oldCookie = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _zoneTriggerCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
     if (oldCookie != IntPtr.Zero)


关于c# - C# 中的非托管 C++ DLL ... WINAPI 和指针,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7318170/


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