元素少于结构的 C++ 初始值设定项列表

标签 c++ struct initialization


这是未定义的行为吗?我看到零是因为我的编译器 (VS2015) 决定为我将内存归零吗?

或者有人可以指点我解释 C++ 中这种行为的文档吗?


struct Thing {
    int value;
    int* ptr;

void main() {
    Thing thing { 5 };
    std::cout << thing.value << " " << thing.ptr << std::endl;


5 00000000



这是定义的行为。根据aggregate initialization的规则,其余成员 ptr 将为 value-initialized ,即 zero-initialized到 NULL 指针。


If the number of initializer clauses is less than the number of members and bases (since C++17) or initializer list is completely empty, the remaining members and bases (since C++17) are initialized by their default initializers, if provided in the class definition, and otherwise (since C++14) by empty lists, in accordance with the usual list-initialization rules (which performs value-initialization for non-class types and non-aggregate classes with default constructors, and aggregate initialization for aggregates). If a member of a reference type is one of these remaining members, the program is ill-formed.

关于元素少于结构的 C++ 初始值设定项列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38840514/


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