node.js - webpack 编译出错

标签 node.js angular npm npm-install

我在尝试运行 angular2 项目时遇到错误。它发生在从带有 ubuntu 的 PC 切换到 MacOS X 之后。 Node 版本:7.7.4,npm 版本:4.1.2。我正在运行 npm webpack-dev-server --inline --progress --watch --port 8180 然后我得到以下信息:

WARNING in ./~/@angular/core/src/linker/system_js_ng_module_factory_loader.js
69:15-36 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

WARNING in ./~/@angular/core/src/linker/system_js_ng_module_factory_loader.js
85:15-102 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

WARNING in ./~/angular2-focus/~/@angular/core/@angular/core.es5.js
5889:15-36 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

WARNING in ./~/angular2-focus/~/@angular/core/@angular/core.es5.js
5905:15-102 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

ERROR in [default] /Users/user/Documents/Java/WORK/mediahelper/media-helper/src/main/web/node_modules/angular2-focus/node_modules/@angular/core/src/animation/animation_metadata_wrapped.d.ts:12:32 
Initializers are not allowed in ambient contexts.


ERROR in [default] /Users/user/node_modules/@types/core-js/index.d.ts:651:4 
All declarations of 'prototype' must have identical modifiers.

ERROR in [default] /Users/user/node_modules/@types/core-js/index.d.ts:666:4 
All declarations of 'prototype' must have identical modifiers.

ERROR in [default] /Users/user/node_modules/@types/core-js/index.d.ts:680:4 
All declarations of 'prototype' must have identical modifiers.

ERROR in [default] /Users/user/node_modules/@types/core-js/index.d.ts:692:4 
All declarations of 'value' must have identical modifiers.

ERROR in [default] /Users/user/node_modules/@types/core-js/index.d.ts:804:4 
All declarations of 'prototype' must have identical modifiers.


刚刚将我的宠物项目更新为@angular4 并得到了类似的警告

angular/core.es5.js 5889:15-36 Critical dependency: 
the request of a dependency is an expression

改变你的 webpack.conf.js

from: /angular(\|/)core(\|/)(esm(\|/)src|src)(\|/)linker/
to:   /angular(\|/)core(\|/)@angular/

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