angular - 根据 Angular 4 中的下拉选择搜索项目

标签 angular

export class Component implements OnInit {
    private router: Router, 
    private userService: PostGetService, 
    private _Activatedroute: ActivatedRoute
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.categoryId = this._Activatedroute.snapshot.params['categoryId'];
      .subscribe(res => {
        this.rawdata = res.json();



  "id": 45,
  "installerTitle": "Test112",
  "firstName": "Test112",
  "middleName": "Test112",
  "lastName": "Test112",
  "emailId": "Test112",
  "contactNo": "Test112",
  "password": "Test112",
  "installerType": "Test112",
  "keywords": "Test112",
  "status": "Test112",
  "isActive": 2,
  "desc": null,
  "installerlocation": [{
    "installerLocationId": 12,
    "addresslineOne": "Test112",
    "addresslineTwo": "Test112",
    "addresslineThree": "Test112",
    "city": "Test112",
    "state": "Test112",
    "zipcode": "Test112",
    "gecodeX": 2,
    "gecodeY": 2,
    "isActive": 2,
    "status": "Test112"
  "installerPayment": [{
      "installerPaymentId": 16,
      "installerStripeId": "cus_DdJsIWh9ake0Bc",
      "installerAmt": null,
      "status": 1
      "installerPaymentId": 16,
      "installerStripeId": "cus_DdJsIWh9ake0Bc",
      "installerAmt": null,
      "status": 1
      "installerPaymentId": 16,
      "installerStripeId": "cus_DdJsIWh9ake0Bc",
      "installerAmt": null,
      "status": 1
  "installersocial": [{
    "installerSocialId": 11,
    "socialType": "Test112",
    "socialUrl": "Test112",
    "facebookUrl": "Test112",
    "twitterUrl": "Test112",
    "vkontakeUrl": "Test112",
    "whatsappUrl": "Test112"
  "installerworktiming": [{
    "installerTimeId": 12,
    "locationId": 2,
    "dayId": 2,
    "timeFrom": 2,
    "timeTo": 2,
    "isHoliday": 2,
    "timeSunday": "Test112",
    "timeMonday": "Test112",
    "timeTuesday": "Test112",
    "timeWednesday": "Test112",
    "timeThursday": "Test112",
    "timeFriday": "Test112",
    "timeSaturday": "Test112"
  "installerserviceModel": [{
      "installerServiceId": 13,
      "category": {
        "categoryId": 35,
        "categoryName": "Test101",
        "categoryDesc": "Test101",
        "categoryServicemodel": [{
          "serviceId": 8,
          "serviceName": "Test101",
          "serviceDesc": "Test101",
          "isActive": 1
        "active": 1
      "categoryServiceModel": {
        "serviceId": 8,
        "serviceName": "Test101",
        "serviceDesc": "Test101",
        "isActive": 1
      "installerServiceId": 12,
      "category": {
        "categoryId": 17,
        "categoryName": "Test98",
        "categoryDesc": "Test98",
        "categoryServicemodel": [{
            "serviceId": 7,
            "serviceName": "Test98",
            "serviceDesc": "Test98",
            "isActive": 8
            "serviceId": 13,
            "serviceName": "Test115",
            "serviceDesc": "Test115",
            "isActive": 1
        "active": 8
      "categoryServiceModel": {
        "serviceId": 7,
        "serviceName": "Test98",
        "serviceDesc": "Test98",
        "isActive": 8
      "installerServiceId": 11,
      "category": {
        "categoryId": 7,
        "categoryName": "Test Name",
        "categoryDesc": "Test Description",
        "categoryServicemodel": [{
          "serviceId": 6,
          "serviceName": "serv name test",
          "serviceDesc": "serv desc test",
          "isActive": 1
        "active": 0
      "categoryServiceModel": {
        "serviceId": 6,
        "serviceName": "serv name test",
        "serviceDesc": "serv desc test",
        "isActive": 1

这些是我想在其中一个类别 ID 选择中获得的详细信息我不想显示姓名、电子邮件、联系电话等少数详细信息的所有详细信息。


first i created service in service.ts file

 searchListingById(categoryId: number): Observable<any> {

 if(categoryId == 0 || categoryId == undefined){
   return this.getListings().delay(100)
   return this.http.get( this.searchCatUrl+categoryId).delay(100);

from here i am passing selected dropdown id to search based on that selected id .... then i am calling above service method from my component.ts file

     .subscribe(res => {              
        this.categoryRawdata = res.json();             

and values will be stored in categoryRawdata variable and in component.html bind values using this variable

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