angular - AWS Cognito Angular 示例 : URIError: URI malformed

标签 angular amazon-web-services amazon-cognito

我在尝试基于 Angular 2 的 aws cognito 示例应用程序时,注意到以下错误。


当我尝试浏览部署在 的应用程序时从我的 Android 上的 Chrome 浏览器,我收到以下错误。关于可能发生的事情有什么想法吗?

vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:148 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): URIError: 
URI malformed
URIError: URI malformed
at decodeURIComponent (<anonymous>)
at Object.fromBits (sjcl.js:11)
at e.value (amazon-cognito-identity.min.js:19)
at e.value (amazon-cognito-identity.min.js:19)
at e.value (amazon-cognito-identity.min.js:19)
at l.O7AO.l.isAuthenticated (main.fd38a9f….bundle.js:1)
at new l (main.fd38a9f….bundle.js:1)
at Ze (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:225)
at ze (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:225)
at On (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:239)
at _n (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:239)
at Object.Hn [as createRootView] (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:239)
at e.create (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:302)
at e.create (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:281)
at t.createComponent (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:302)
at decodeURIComponent (<anonymous>)
at Object.fromBits (sjcl.js:11)
at e.value (amazon-cognito-identity.min.js:19)
at e.value (amazon-cognito-identity.min.js:19)
at e.value (amazon-cognito-identity.min.js:19)
at l.O7AO.l.isAuthenticated (main.fd38a9f….bundle.js:1)
at new l (main.fd38a9f….bundle.js:1)
at Ze (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:225)
at ze (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:225)
at On (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:239)
at _n (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:239)
at Object.Hn [as createRootView] (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:239)
at e.create (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:302)
at e.create (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:281)
at t.createComponent (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:302)
at v (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697)
at p (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697)
at p (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697)
at vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697
at t.invokeTask (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697)
at Object.onInvokeTask (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:281)
at t.invokeTask (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697)
at e.runTask (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697)
at a (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697)
at HTMLAnchorElement.invoke (vendor.f06d8c6….bundle.js:697)


这适用于 aws cognito identity js 文件的非缩小版本,但缩小版本仍然存在问题。


更新到最新版本的 aws-cognito-sdk.js 和 amazon-cognito-identity.js 解决了这个问题。


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