c++ - 如何在 C++ 中编写简短的文字?

标签 c++ literals

非常基本的问题:如何在 C++ 中编写 short 文字?


  • 2 是一个 int
  • 2U 是一个 unsigned int
  • 2Llong
  • 2LLlong long
  • 2.0f 是一个 float
  • 2.0 是一个 double
  • '\2' 是一个 char

但是我将如何编写 short 文字?我试过 2S 但这给出了编译器警告。




That's what I've been doing because I couldn't find anything about it. I would guess that the compiler would be smart enough to compile this as if it's a short literal (i.e. it wouldn't actually allocate an int and then cast it every time).


a = 2L;
b = 2.0;
c = (short)2;
d = '\2';


movl    $2, _a
movl    $2, _b
movl    $2, _c
movl    $2, _d

关于c++ - 如何在 C++ 中编写简短的文字?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/208433/


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