angular - Angular 6 中 ngIf 的多个条件

标签 angular typescript angular5 angular6 angular-ng-if

我想隐藏一个 div 并显示另一个我在下面编写的代码

My Code

我的问题是我在 ngIf 中使用了多个条件但没有正常工作。单击“显示子内容 1”后,我想隐藏主要内容并显示“子内容 1”,反之亦然。为此我该怎么办。请帮忙。



<!-- Display all of the SubContents is disable. -->
<div *ngIf="!showSubContent && !showSubContentTwo && !showSubContentThree">
     <button (click)="showSubContent=!showSubContent">Show Sub content1</button>
     <button (click)="showSubContentTwo=!showSubContentTwo">Show Sub content2</button>
     <button (click)="showSubContentThree=!showSubContentThree">Show Sub content3</button> 
     <h2>  Main content </h2>

<!-- Display if SubContent-1 is enable. -->
<div *ngIf="showSubContent && !showSubContentTwo && !showSubContentThree">
    Sub Content 1 here
    <button (click)="showSubContent=!showSubContent">Show Main Content</button>

<!-- Display if SubContent-2 is enable. -->
<div *ngIf="showSubContentTwo && !showSubContent && !showSubContentThree">
    Sub Content 2 here
    <button (click)="showSubContentTwo=!showSubContentTwo">Show Main Content</button>

<!-- Display if SubContent-3 is enable. -->
<div *ngIf="showSubContentThree && !showSubContentTwo && !showSubContent">
    Sub Content 3 here
    <button (click)="showSubContentThree=!showSubContentThree">Show Main Content</button>

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