html - 如何覆盖 angular2 中 md-input-container 的样式?

标签 html css angular angular-material2

我有以下使用 Angular Material 设计的 md-input-container 代码:

      <input mdInput [placeholder]="'common.password' | translate" type="password" formControlName="password" (change)="onPasswordChange($" required validate-onBlur/>
      <md-hint *ngIf="frmLoginInfo.controls.password.pristine" class="s-text-caption s-hint">{{ 'signup.pwdRule' | translate }}</md-hint>

此容器内部有一个带有类 (mat-input-wrapper) 的 div,它的内边距为 padding-bottom: 1.296875em。


PS:将类添加到容器并将 padding: 0px 作为 important 也不起作用。

enter image description here



Angular 关于 /deep/>>> 的官方回应 ( Thanks @DeborahK )

Support for the emulated /deep/ CSS Selector (the Shadow-Piercing descendant combinator aka >>>) has been deprecated to match browser implementations and Chrome’s intent to remove. ::ng-deep has been added to provide a temporary workaround for developers currently using this feature.


Another related question

为组件添加更具体的样式 - see CSS specificity


<md-input-container id="forceStyle">
    <input mdInput [placeholder]="'common.password' | translate" type="password" formControlName="password" (change)="onPasswordChange($" required validate-onBlur/>
    <md-hint *ngIf="frmLoginInfo.controls.password.pristine" class="s-text-caption s-hint">{{ 'signup.pwdRule' | translate }}</md-hint>


>>> #forceStyle .mat-input-wrapper {
  padding-bottom: 0px;

您需要 >>> 说明 here

然而,/deep/>>> 已弃用,如 here 所述

enter image description here

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