angular - 在 Jasmine 单元测试中 : Can't resolve all parameters for TestFormInputComponentBase

标签 angular unit-testing dependency-injection jasmine mocking

我是 Angular 应用程序单元测试的新手,我正在尝试测试我的第一个组件。实际上,我正在尝试测试实际组件使用的抽象基类,因此我基于它在我的规范中创建了一个简单的组件,我正在使用它来测试它。 但是有一个依赖项要处理 (Injector) 并且我没有正确地将其 stub ,因为当我尝试运行测试时出现此错误:

无法解析 TestFormInputComponentBase 的所有参数

但我不确定我错过了什么? 这是规范:

import { GenFormInputComponentBase } from './gen-form-input-component-base';
import { Injector, Component } from '@angular/core';
import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';

// We cannot test an abstract class directly so we test a simple derived component
    selector: 'test-form-input-component-base'
class TestFormInputComponentBase extends GenFormInputComponentBase {}

let injectorStub: Partial<Injector>;

describe('GenFormInputComponentBase', () => {
    let baseClass: TestFormInputComponentBase;
    let stub: Injector;

    beforeEach(() => {
        // stub Injector for test purpose
        injectorStub = {
            get(service: any) {
                return null;

            declarations: [TestFormInputComponentBase],
            providers: [
                    provide: Injector,
                    useValue: injectorStub

        // Inject both the service-to-test and its stub dependency
        stub = TestBed.get(Injector);
        baseClass = TestBed.get(TestFormInputComponentBase);

    it('should validate required `field` input on ngOnInit', () => {
            `Missing 'field' input in AppFormInputComponentBase`

这是我要测试的 GenFormInputComponentBase 类:

import { Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
import { GenComponentBase } from './gen-component-base';

export abstract class GenFormInputComponentBase extends GenComponentBase
    implements OnInit {
    @Input() form: FormGroup | null = null;
    @Input() field: string | null = null;

    @Input() label: string | null = null;
    @Input() required: boolean | null = null;

    @Input('no-label') isNoLabel: boolean = false;

    ngOnInit(): void {

     * Validates that the required inputs are passed to the component.
     * Raises clear errors if not, so that we don't get lots of indirect, unclear errors
     * from a mistake in the template.
    protected internalValidateFields(): boolean {
        if (null == this.field) {
            throw Error(`Missing 'field' input in AppFormInputComponentBase`);

        if (null == this.label && !this.isNoLabel) {
            throw Error(
                `Missing 'label' input in AppFormInputComponentBase for '${

        if (null == this.form) {
            throw Error(
                `Missing 'form' input in AppFormInputComponentBase for '${

        return true;

并且 GenComponentBase 具有我试图去除的依赖性

import { Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { LanguageService } from 'app/shared/services';

declare var $: any;

export abstract class GenComponentBase {
    protected languageService: LanguageService;

    constructor(injector: Injector) {
        this.languageService = injector.get(LanguageService);

    l(key: string, ...args: any[]) {
        return this.languageService.localize(key, args);



通过向 TestFormInputComponentsBase 添加构造函数,我可以将 LanguageService stub ,这样它就可以正常工作。但是,如果我尝试将 Injector stub ,它将被忽略,并且无论如何它都会尝试使用真正的注入(inject)器。

class TestFormInputComponent extends GenesysFormInputComponentBase {
    constructor(injector: Injector) {

describe('GenesysFormInputComponentBase (class only)', () => {
    let component: TestFormInputComponent;

    beforeEach(() => {
            providers: [
                    provide: Injector,
                    useObject: {}

        component = TestBed.get(TestFormInputComponent);

    it('should validate required field inputs on ngOnInit', () => {
        expect(() => component.ngOnInit()).toThrowError(
            `Missing 'field' input in GenesysFormInputComponentBase.`

由于提供的模拟/ stub 注入(inject)器是一个空对象,我希望得到一些错误。但是我从真正的喷油器那里得到了一个错误。注入(inject)器不能被 mock 吗?

    Error: StaticInjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[LanguageService]: 
    StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[LanguageService]: 
    NullInjectorError: No provider for LanguageService!


有许多不同的方法可以解决这个问题,但您可以在 TestFormInputComponent 中调用 super() 时将其 stub ,如下所示:

class TestFormInputComponent extends GenFormInputComponentBase {
      constructor() {
          let injectorStub: Injector = { get() { return null } };

此外,您还需要更改测试函数中抛出的错误的方式。查看详细讨论here .正如您在该讨论中看到的那样,也有很多方法可以做到这一点,这是一个使用匿名函数的简单方法:

it('should validate required `field` input on ngOnInit', () => {
    expect(() => baseClass.ngOnInit()).toThrowError(
        `Missing 'field' input in AppFormInputComponentBase`

这是一个有效的 StackBlitz这表明正在运行。我还添加了另一个测试来显示无错误的初始化。


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