angular - NGRX/Store 负载类型混淆

标签 angular typescript ngrx


export const ActionTypes = {
  CREATE_OH:                  type('[ORDERHEAD] Create Orderhead'),
  MODIFY_SELECTED_OH:    type('[ORDERHEAD] Select Orderhead'),     

export class CreateOHAction implements Action {
  type = ActionTypes.CREATE_OH

  constructor(public payload: OrderHead[]) { }

export type Actions
  =   CreateOHAction
  |   SelectOHAction;

使用以下基本 reducer 设置

export interface State {
  orderids: string[];
  entities: { [orderID: string]: OrderHead };
  selectedOhID: string | null;

// Set initial state to empty
const initialState: State = {
  orderids : [],
  entities: {},
  selectedOhID: null,

export function OHreducer(state = initialState, action: orderhead_imp.Actions):  State{

        case orderhead_imp.ActionTypes.CREATE_OH: 
            let orders = action.payload;
            let newOrders = orders.filter(orderhead => !state.entities[orderhead.orderID]);

            let newOrderIds = => orderhead.orderID);
            let newOrderHeadEntities = newOrders.reduce((entities: { [orderID: string]: OrderHead }, orderhead: OrderHead) => {
              return Object.assign(entities, {
                [orderhead.orderID]: orderhead
            }, {});

            return {
              orderids: [ ...state.orderids, ...newOrderIds ],
              entities: Object.assign({}, state.entities, newOrderHeadEntities),
              selectedOhID: state.selectedOhID

            return state;



export class SelectOHAction implements Action {
  type = ActionTypes.MODIFY_SELECTED_OH 

  constructor(public payload: string) { }

注意,有效负载仅用于此操作是字符串,一旦保存或尝试编译, typescript 现在声明:“过滤器不存在于类型字符串|OrderHead[ ]”

现在,如果我进入我的 reducer ,并添加一个新案例:

case orderhead_imp.ActionTypes.MODIFY_SELECTED_OH: {
 return {
  orderids:  state.orderids,
  entities: state.entities,
  selectedOhID: action.payload

我在映射 action.payload 时收到 typescript 错误:

抛出 TS 错误 “string|OrderHead[] is not assignable to type string”

显然,在这两种情况下,有效负载具有不同的数据结构,我是否需要以任何其他方式更改我的代码以确保每种情况都为 action.payload 选择正确的类型?


因此,如果在我的操作中我将有效负载定义为“任何”而不是“字符串”,它似乎可以毫无问题地编译和工作,但这似乎非常 hacky(而不是预期的行为)

export class SelectOHAction implements Action {
  type = ActionTypes.MODIFY_SELECTED_OH 

  constructor(public payload: any) { }


这是 Typescript >2.1 和 ngrx 的类型实用程序的问题。

现在使用 typescript 2.1 及更高版本,您可以简单地将操作定义为

export const CREATE_OH: '[ORDERHEAD] Create Orderhead';
export class CreateOHAction implements Action {
   type = CREATE_OH

   constructor(public payload: OrderHead[]) { }

现在,在您使用 item.ActionTypes.CREATE_OH 的所有地方,将其替换为 item.CREATE_OH。这些类型将按预期使用 typescript 2.1 流动

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