angular - 在 Angular 4 的组件上应用属性指令

标签 angular angular2-directives angular-components angular2-hostbinding

我已经创建了具有 @Input() 绑定(bind)属性 src 的 img-pop 组件。 我创建了具有 @HostBinding() 属性 src 的 authSrc 指令。

selector: 'img-pop',

template: `<img [src]="src"/>
            <div *ngIf="isShow">
                 <----extra value----->

export class ImgPopOverComponent implements OnInit {

private src;

private isShow=false;

@HostListener('mouseenter') onMouseEnter() {
    this.isShow= true;

@HostListener('mouseleave') onMouseLeave() {
    this.isShow= false;



@Directive({ selector: '[authSrc]' })
export class AuthSrcDirective implements OnInit {

private src: string;

constructor(private element: ElementRef) { }

ngOnInit() { }

  set authSrc(src) {
   this.src = src+"?access_token=<-token->";


<img-pop [authSrc]="/api/url/to/image"></img-pop>

这样最终的 url 调用将是/api/url/to/image?access_token= <--token-->

但它会抛出 Can't bind to 'src' since it isn't a known property of 'img-pop'. 错误

plnkr link




根据 this answer核心贡献者不可能使用 @HostBinding 设置组件的直接属性。 @HostBinding 总是直接绑定(bind)到 DOM。所以这是设计使然。解释如下:

This works as intended, as:

  • using data binding to communicate between directives / components on the same element is slower than direct communication by making one inject the other data
  • binding between directives easily leads to cycles.


export class AuthSrcDirective {
    // inject host component
    constructor(private c: ImgPopOverComponent ) {    }

    set authSrc(src) {
        // write the property directly
        this.c.src = src + "?access_token=<-token->";

有关更通用的方法,请参阅 this .

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