angular - 如何在降级的 Angular 组件上实现 ControlValueAccessor

标签 angular angular-components

我有一个 Angular 组件实现了 ControlValueAccessor ,但是 writeValue永远不会使用 ngModel 中的初始值调用方法.


<my-comp [(ngModel)]="$ctrl.activeUser"></my-comp>

组件通过以下方式降级为 AngularJS:

.directive('myComp', downgradeComponent({
  component: MyComp,
  inputs: [],
  outputs: [],

我尝试添加 ngModelinputsoutputs但它不起作用。


你应该使用 ng-model属性而不是 [(ngModel)] ,像这样:<my-comp ng-model="$ctrl.activeUser"></my-comp>

来自 Angular 文档:

 * 3. `ng-model` is controlled by AngularJS and communicates with the downgraded Angular component
 *    by way of the `ControlValueAccessor` interface from @angular/forms. Only components that
 *    implement this interface are eligible.
 * ## Supported Features
 * - Bindings:
 *   - Attribute: `<comp name="World">`
 *   - Interpolation:  `<comp greeting="Hello {{name}}!">`
 *   - Expression:  `<comp [name]="username">`
 *   - Event:  `<comp (close)="doSomething()">`
 *   - ng-model: `<comp ng-model="name">`

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