Angular 5 测试 : how to get a reference to the child component

标签 angular unit-testing

我正在尝试测试 Angular 应用程序中主机组件和子组件之间的交互。我不知道如何获取对创建父组件时创建的子组件的引用。这是设置:


@Component({template: `<child [data]="model"></child>`})
class HostComponent {
  public model:any;

describe('ChildComponent', () => {
  let hostFixture: ComponentFixture<HostComponent>;
  let childFixture: ComponentFixture<ChildComponent>;

  beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [ChildComponent, HostComponent]

  beforeEach(() => {
    // this creates the child component as well, but how to get to it?
    hostFixture = TestBed.createComponent(HostComponent);

    // this creates a NEW instance of child component, not the one from the Host template
    // so it's not the instance I actually want to test
    childFixture = TestBed.createComponent(ChildComponent);

改变 model hostFixture.componentInstance 中的值实际上并没有改变 data childFixture.componentInstance 的输入值;这就是我如何意识到有两个子组件实例。

我的问题很简单,我怎样才能得到childFixture引用在 HostComponent 中找到的组件夹具模板,而不是我目前拥有的不同实例?

The docs没有帮助。


the guide 中所述,主机组件实例是用TestBed.createComponent创建的,子组件实例可以从debugElement中选择By helper :

childDebugElement = hostFixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(ChildComponent));


childDebugElement = hostFixture.debugElement.query(By.css('child'));

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