android - 将参数从 Activity 传递到服务中的线程

标签 android service android-activity parameter-passing

我有一个启动服务的 Activity ,例如我将 MyService 设置为:

Intent intent1 = new Intent(this, MyService.class);


public class MyService extends Service {
public void onStart(Intent intent, int startid) {
    Thread mythread= new Thread() {
        public void run() {


现在我想使用 while(a) 而不是 while(true),其中 a 是从我的此服务的 Activity 。请注意,我的 Activity 与我的服务属于不同的类别。如何才能做到这一点?请用一些代码显示具体示例。


您可以通过绑定(bind)来访问您的服务。编辑您的服务类,使其返回 IBinder onBind()

public class MyService extends Service {

    private static final String TAG = MyService.class.getSimpleName();
    private final IBinder binder = new ServiceBinder();
    private boolean a;

    public IBinder onBind( Intent intent ) {

        return binder;

    public int onStartCommand( Intent intent, int flags, int startId ) {

        return super.onStartCommand( intent, flags, startId );

    public void onCreate() {


    public class ServiceBinder extends Binder {

        public MyService getService() {

            return MyService.this;

    public void setA(boolean a) {

        this.a = a;

现在,在您的 Activity 中,您需要处理与服务的绑定(bind)和解除绑定(bind)。在此示例中,无论您是否受到绑定(bind),该服务都会持续存在。如果这不是您想要的功能,您可以不调用 startService(...):

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    private MyService myService;
    private boolean bound;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Intent intent = new Intent( this, MyService.class );
        startService( intent );

    private final ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {

        public void onServiceConnected( ComponentName className, IBinder service ) {

            myService = ( (MyService.ServiceBinder) service ).getService();
            bound = true;

        public void onServiceDisconnected( ComponentName className ) {

            myService = null;
            bound = false;

    void doBindService() {

        boolean bound = bindService( new Intent( this, MyService.class ), serviceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE );
        if ( bound ) {

            Log.d( TAG, "Successfully bound to service" );
        else {

            Log.d( TAG, "Failed to bind service" );

    void doUnbindService() {

        unbindService( serviceConnection );

现在您在 Activity 中拥有了对绑定(bind)服务的引用,您只需调用 myService.setA(true) 即可设置参数。

关于android - 将参数从 Activity 传递到服务中的线程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:



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