java - 在 Android 代码中模拟创建 AsyncTasks 和 Intents 的优雅方法

标签 java android unit-testing mocking mockito

我有一个 Android Activity ,其中有类似的调用

final ConnectToServerAsyncTask task = new ConnectToServerAsyncTask(...);

final Intent intent = new Intent(this, SomeActivity.class);

为了对此类进行单元测试,我需要能够模拟 ConnectToServerAsyncTaskIntent 的创建(例如使用 Mockito)。


public class MainActivityOfTheApp extends Activity {
    private IAsyncTaskFactory asyncTaskFactory = new AsyncTaskFactory();
    private IIntentFactory intentFactory = new IntentFactory();

    public void setAsyncTaskFactory(final IAsyncTaskFactory aFactory)
        asyncTaskFactory = aFactory;

    public void setIntentFactory(final IIntentFactory aFactory)
        intentFactory = aFactory;

    protected void onResume() {
        final ConnectToServerAsyncTask task = asyncTaskFactory.create(...);

        final Intent intent = intentFactory.create(this, OtherActivity.class);

在单元测试中,我将创建 MainActivityOfTheApp 的实例,然后使用 setAsyncTaskFactorysetIntentFactory 注入(inject)模拟。



您可以使用 PowerMock 模拟构造函数.


public class MainActivityOfTheAppTest{
  private AsyncTaskFactory asyncTaskFactory;
  private IntentFactory intentFactory;
  private MainActivityOfTheApp mainActivityOfTheApp;

  public void prepare() {
    asyncTaskFactory = PowerMockito.mock(AsyncTaskFactory.class);
    intentFactory = PowerMockito.mock(IntentFactory.class);
    mainActivityOfTheApp = new MainActivityOfTheApp();

  public void doTest() {
    //mainActivityOfTheApp has the mocks in final field inside, no need for the setters.

我必须指出,PowerMock 功能强大,但经常在复杂的类加载(例如 OSGI 环境)或代码覆盖工具(例如 jacoco)方面出现问题。它通常可以工作,但我已经浪费了一些时间。

没有 PowerMock

第二种可能性是创建 package private (没有修饰符。为什么不是 protected 或 public?请参阅 What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors? )方法,它调用构造函数如下:

public class MainActivityOfTheApp extends Activity {
    private final IAsyncTaskFactory asyncTaskFactory = constructAsyncTaskFactory();
    private final IIntentFactory intentFactory = constructIntentFactory();

    IAsyncTaskFactory constructAsyncTaskFactory()
        return new AsyncTaskFactory();

    IIntentFactory constructIntentFactory()
        return new IntentFactory();


public class MainActivityOfTheAppTest{
  private AsyncTaskFactory asyncTaskFactory;
  private IntentFactory intentFactory;
  private MainActivityOfTheApp mainActivityOfTheApp;

  public void prepare() {
    asyncTaskFactory = mock(AsyncTaskFactory.class);
    intentFactory = mock(IntentFactory.class);
    mainActivityOfTheApp = new HackedMainActivityOfTheApp();

  public void doTest() {
    //mainActivityOfTheApp has the mocks in final field inside, no need for the setters.

  private class HackedMainActivityOfTheApp extends MainActivityOfTheApp {
        IAsyncTaskFactory constructAsyncTaskFactory()
            return asyncTaskFactory;

        IIntentFactory constructIntentFactory()
            return intentFactory;

如果您对包含 MainActivityOfTheApp 的 jar 进行签名,则可以保护构造*方法。请参阅 :

Also, patches are harder (you have to re-sign the jar), class-patches are impossible (all classes in a single package must have the same signature source) and splitting jars becomes a chore.

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