c++ - 如何检查weak_ptr是否为空(未分配)?

标签 c++ c++11 weak-ptr

有没有办法区分已分配(可能已过期)的weak_ptr 和未分配的。

weak_ptr<int> w1;
weak_ptr<int> w2 = ...;


if (!w.lock()) { /* either not assigned or expired */ }


您可以使用两次调用 owner_before 来检查默认构造的(空)弱指针是否相等:

template <typename T>
bool is_uninitialized(std::weak_ptr<T> const& weak) {
    using wt = std::weak_ptr<T>;
    return !weak.owner_before(wt{}) && !wt{}.owner_before(weak);

这只会返回 true 如果 w{} "=="weak,其中 "==" 比较所有者,并根据en.cppreference.com :

The order is such that two smart pointers compare equivalent only if they are both empty or if they both own the same object, even if the values of the pointers obtained by get() are different (e.g. because they point at different subobjects within the same object).

由于默认构造函数构造了一个 empty 弱指针,因此只有在 weak 也是 emptytrue >。如果 weak 已过期,这将返回 true


bool is_uninitialized<int>(std::weak_ptr<int> const&):
        cmp     QWORD PTR [rdi+8], 0
        sete    al

... 与检查 weak.expired() 相比:

bool check_expired(std::weak_ptr<int> const&):
        mov     rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
        mov     eax, 1
        test    rdx, rdx
        je      .L41
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rdx+8]
        test    eax, eax
        sete    al
        rep ret

... 或 returning !weak.lock() (约 80 行组装)。

关于c++ - 如何检查weak_ptr是否为空(未分配)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45507041/


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