android - OpenCv C++ 裁剪图像

标签 android c++ image opencv

所以,我设法用 opencv c++ 代码检测文档边框。现在,我需要裁剪该图像并使其看起来不错。


Before cropping


After cropping


extern "C"
Java_prisca_ctest_ScanActivity_doWithMat(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, jlong matNumber) {
    //reference to the image from Java
    Mat &image = *(Mat *) matNumber;
    //resize image
    image = GetSquareImage(image);
    //add color effects for better detection
    Mat gray;
    cvtColor(image, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    GaussianBlur(gray, gray, Size(5, 5), 0);
    Mat edged;
    Canny(gray, edged, 75, 200);
    //find contours and sort them from biggest to smallest
    vector<vector<Point> > contours;
    vector<Point> screenCnt;
    findContours(edged, contours, RETR_LIST, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
    // sort contours
    sort(contours.begin(), contours.end(), compareContourAreas);

    Rect boundRect;

    //itterate over the contours and get the biggest contour for image
    for (int i = (int) (contours.size() - 1); i > 0; i--) {
        double peri = arcLength(Mat(contours[i]), true);
        vector<Point> approx;
        approxPolyDP(Mat(contours[i]), approx, 0.02 * peri, true);
        if (approx.size() == 4) {
            screenCnt = approx;
            boundRect = boundingRect(approx);
    Scalar color = Scalar(0, 255, 0);
    drawContours(image, Mat(screenCnt), -1, color, 5);
    //crop image with boundRect
    image = Mat(image, boundRect).clone();

Mat GetSquareImage(const cv::Mat &img, int target_width = 500) {
    int width = img.cols,
            height = img.rows;

    cv::Mat square = cv::Mat::zeros(target_width, target_width, img.type());

    int max_dim = (width >= height) ? width : height;
    float scale = ((float) target_width) / max_dim;
    cv::Rect roi;
    if (width >= height) {
        roi.width = target_width;
        roi.x = 0;
        roi.height = height * scale;
        roi.y = (target_width - roi.height) / 2;
    } else {
        roi.y = 0;
        roi.height = target_width;
        roi.width = width * scale;
        roi.x = (target_width - roi.width) / 2;

    cv::resize(img, square(roi), roi.size());

    return square;

extern "C"
bool compareContourAreas(std::vector<cv::Point> contour1, std::vector<cv::Point> contour2) {
    double i = fabs(contourArea(cv::Mat(contour1)));
    double j = fabs(contourArea(cv::Mat(contour2)));
    return (i < j);

首先,我遵循了 python code 中的教程.他调整图片大小以获得所需的结果,当我这样做时,我的文字不可读,并且我的图像没有像预期的那样被裁剪(裁剪它所以没有周围的背景,只有纸张等)。



看起来您需要获取 rotatedRect 而不是矩形。然后执行 warpAffine ( )

然后使用 getRotationMatrix2D ( ) 获取旋转角度,旋转图像,照常裁剪,然后旋转回正常。

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