android - ACRA 崩溃报告是否也需要服务许可?

标签 android acra

ACRA documentation集成崩溃报告包括 3 个简单的步骤:

1 - Install ACRA library

2 - 将以下内容添加到 AndroidManifest.xml

<!-- in the manifest, not the application tag -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

<application ... android:name=".MyApplication">

3 - 创建一个与上面“MyApplication”同名的新 java 类:

import org.acra.*;
import org.acra.annotation.*;

@ReportsCrashes(formUri = "")
public class MyApplication extends Application {
  public void onCreate() {
    // The following line triggers the initialization of ACRA

应该是这样的。我认为这些说明有点过时了,而且 AndroidManifest.xml 从那时起就发生了变化。

我也是needed在我的 <application> ... </application> 中添加以下内容让它发挥作用:

<service android:name="org.acra.sender.SenderService" />

问题:我是不是做错了什么,或者 Android 要求发生了变化而我做的是正确的?



可以在 ACRA 的 GitHub Wiki 上找到更新的基本设置说明:

Declaring the SenderService

ACRA (4.8+) uses the SenderService to send reports so it needs to be configured in your AndroidManifest.

If you are using manifest merging then the SenderService will be automatically included for you. Otherwise you will also need to configure a service that will send the reports. It should look like:

        android:process=":acra" />

NB the android:process ensures that the service runs in the :acra process. The intent is that that process is different from the default process for your application to ensure that the reports can be sent even though your app will be in shutdown mode if it has crashed.

GitHub 站点上的最新更新可能尚未更新文档站点。

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