android - SearchView:从建议监听器中获取选中的项目

标签 android android-arrayadapter simplecursoradapter searchview matrixcursor

我有一个搜索 View ,其中包含由 MatrixCursor 填充的建议(因为我已经有一个字符串数组)。但是我想得到用户正在选择哪个项目。到目前为止,我只能获得用户点击建议列表的位置:

searchView.setOnSuggestionListener(new SearchView.OnSuggestionListener() {
        public boolean onSuggestionClick(int position) {
            String selectedItem = (String)mAdapter.getItem(position);
            Log.e("search view", selectedItem);
            return true;

但是我有一个错误:android.database.MatrixCursor cannot be cast to java.lang.String 而且我不确定如何处理它。非常感谢任何形式的帮助。



searchView.setOnSuggestionListener(new SearchView.OnSuggestionListener() {

    public boolean onSuggestionSelect(int position) {
        return true;

    public boolean onSuggestionClick(int position) {
        Cursor cursor= searchView.getSuggestionsAdapter().getCursor();
        String suggestion =cursor.getString(2);//2 is the index of col containing suggestion name.
        searchView.setQuery(suggestion,true);//setting suggestion
        return true;

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