android - 从辅助模块获取应用程序上下文

标签 android android-context

我正在开发一个项目,它有一个主模块(这里有 Activity 和 Controller ......)和一些辅助模块,其中有一些日历和其他实现。




@David Wasser 写道:

Why can't the code in the secondary modules call MainApp.getInstance() to get the application context? Obviously the secondary module is dependent on the main module so I don't see how this is a circular dependency.

If not, then pass the singleton application context from the main module to the secondary modules (either as a parameter in method calls or as a parameter in the constructor of the component in the secondary module. Then you won't have code in the secondary modules calling MainApp.getInstance(). In any case you cannot have another application class as there is only one application class.

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