android - 利用 ORMLite 将 Android Cursor 映射到 POJO?

标签 android cursor android-contentprovider ormlite

因为 ORMLite 已经将 Android Cursor 映射到 POJO。 我想知道我是否可以以某种方式利用它而不是编写复制构造函数并手动将 Cursor 映射到我的 POJO?

例如,我可以使用内容提供程序并将结果映射到由 ORMLite 的 Dao 支持的相同 POJO。 对我的数据集执行操作,然后使用 ORMLite 将该数据批量插入到我的数据库中。 这样做的好处是我不必编写所有的 CRUD ofc。



@DatabaseTable(tableName = "my_dict")
public class MyDictionary{
    @DatabaseField(columnName = COLUMN_ID, generatedId = true)
    Integer _ID;
    @DatabaseField(columnName = "word")
    String word;
    @DatabaseField(columnName = "app_id")
    String app_id;
    @DatabaseField(columnName = "frequency")
    Integer frequency;
    @DatabaseField(columnName = "locale")
    String locale;

    public MyDictionary(){}     

public void someCoolDatasetOperation(){

    Dao<MyDictionary, Long> dao = databaseHelper.getDao(MyDictionary.class);

    List<MyDictionary> inDb = dao.queryForAll();

    Cursor dictCursor = getContentResolver().query(WEB_SERVICE_URI,
            null,                        // The columns to return for each row
            null,                    // Selection criteria
            null,                     // Selection criteria
            null);                        // The sort order for the returned rows

    //iffy part don't know the correct/best way to do this?????
    AndroidDatabaseResults fabricatedResult = new AndroidDatabaseResults(dictCursor, null);     
    List<MyDictionary> fromContentProvider = dao.mapSelectStarRow(dictCursor);

    //Do Something with the lists


我对 ORMLite 了解不多,我不确定这两者会相处融洽,但我正在开发一个库,它可以像你那里那样使用带注释的类为游标生成 POJO 包装器。


public class MyDictionary{
    @Attribute(sqliteName = COLUMN_ID, primaryKey = true, autoIncrement = true)
    Integer _ID;
    @Attribute(sqliteName = "word")
    String word;
    @Attribute(sqliteName = "app_id")
    String app_id;
    @Attribute(sqliteName = "frequency")
    Integer frequency;
    @Attribute(sqliteName = "locale")
    String locale;

public void someCoolDatasetOperation(){

    Dao<MyDictionary, Long> dao = databaseHelper.getDao(MyDictionary.class);

    List<MyDictionary> inDb = dao.queryForAll();

    Cursor dictCursor = getContentResolver().query(WEB_SERVICE_URI,
            null,                    // The columns to return for each row
            null,                    // Selection criteria
            null,                    // Selection criteria
            null);                   // The sort order for the returned rows

    List<MyDictionary> fromContentProvider = new ArrayList<MyDictionary();

    while(dictCursor.moveToNext()) {
        //MyDictionaryEntity is a generated class that contains getters and 
        //setters for all the attributes in MyDictionary
        fromContentProvider.add(new MyDictionaryEntity(dictCursor));


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