android - 在 Scroll 上获取当前字母?

标签 android scroll accessibility android-cursoradapter

我正在构建一个辅助功能应用程序,并希望在用户滚动时大声朗读 AlphabetIndexer 上的当前字母。

如何在 Scroll 上运行一些代码?我如何在 CursorAdapter 中获取当前字母?



private class ContactsAdapter extends CursorAdapter implements SectionIndexer {
    private LayoutInflater mInflater;
    private AlphabetIndexer mAlphabetIndexer;

    public ContactsAdapter(Context context) {
        super(context, null, 0);
        mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
        final String alphabet = context.getString(R.string.alphabet);
        mAlphabetIndexer = new AlphabetIndexer(null, ContactsQuery.SORT_KEY, alphabet);

    // ...

    public Object[] getSections() {
        return mAlphabetIndexer.getSections();

    public int getPositionForSection(int i) {
        if (getCursor() == null) {
            return 0;
        Log.i("TAG", "getPositionForSection " + mAlphabetIndexer.getPositionForSection(i));
        return mAlphabetIndexer.getPositionForSection(i);

    public int getSectionForPosition(int i) {
        if (getCursor() == null) {
            return 0;
        return mAlphabetIndexer.getSectionForPosition(i);


SectionIndexer.getSectionForPosition 将返回 SectionIndexer.getSections 中相应部分的索引。因此,要检索某个部分的当前字母,您需要做的就是调用:

    public int getSectionForPosition(int i) {
        if (getCursor() == null) {
            return 0;
        // Prints the letter for the current section
        return mAlphabetIndexer.getSectionForPosition(i);

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