android - Play 服务过期通知需要 Android Oreo 的通知 channel (API 26)

标签 android google-play-services android-8.0-oreo

当 PlayServices 在设备上过时时,PlayServices 本身会发出此通知。这一直有效,直到 Android Oreo (API 26) 需要通知 channel

我在 11.2.0(今天最新)版本中使用 Firebase,因此使用 PlayServices。

当打开应用程序时,PlayServices(不是我的应用程序!)将触发通知 - 或者尝试在针对 API 26 编译时触发通知。

是否有新版本可与 API26 一起使用?有什么我想念的吗?我什至不确定是什么触发了这条消息,因为我的应用没有明确使用 PlayServices。我的猜测是 Firebase(Anylytics、FCM、RemoteConfig 等)正在检查 PlayServices 版本。



Some Updates to Apps Using Google Play services

<强>2。从 Play 服务依赖项版本 11.2.0 开始,您应用的 compileSdkVersion 必须至少为 26

When you upgrade your app's Play services dependencies to 11.2.0 or later, your app's build.gradle must also be updated to specify a compileSdkVersion of at least 26 (Android O). This will not change the way your app runs. You will not be required to update targetSdkVersion. If you do update compileSdkVersion to 26, you may receive an error in your build with the following message referring to the Android support library:

This support library should should not use a different version (25) than the compileSdkVersion (26).

This error can be resolved by upgrading your support library dependencies to at least version 26.0.0. Generally speaking, the compileSdkVersion of your app should always match the major version number of your Android support library dependencies. In this case, you'll need to make them both 26.

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