c++ - 如何在 C++ 中使用 Google 的 Protocol Buffer 添加重复字段?

标签 c++ protocol-buffers

我有以下 Protocol Buffer 。请注意,StockStatic 是一个重复字段。

message ServiceResponse
    enum Type
        REQUEST_FAILED = 1;

    message StockStaticSnapshot
        repeated StockStatic stock_static = 1;
    required Type type = 1;
    optional StockStaticSnapshot stock_static_snapshot = 2;

message StockStatic
    optional string sector      = 1;
    optional string subsector   = 2;

我在遍历 vector 时填写 StockStatic 字段。


ServiceResponse_StockStaticSnapshot stockStaticSnapshot;

for (vector<stockStaticInfo>::iterator it = m_staticStocks.begin(); it!= m_staticStocks.end(); ++it)
    StockStatic* pStockStaticEntity = stockStaticSnapshot.add_stock_static();

    SetStockStaticProtoFields(*it, pStockStaticEntity); // sets sector and subsector field to pStockStaticEntity by reading the fields using (*it)

但只有当 StockStatic 是可选字段而不是重复字段时,上述代码才是正确的。我的问题是我缺少哪一行代码来使其成为重复字段?



这是我的 Protocol Buffer 的片段(为简洁起见,省略了详细信息):

message DemandSummary
    required uint32 solutionIndex     = 1;
    required uint32 demandID          = 2;
message ComputeResponse
    repeated DemandSummary solutionInfo  = 3;

...和 ​​C++ 填充 ComputeResponse::solutionInfo:

ComputeResponse response;

for ( int i = 0; i < demList.size(); ++i ) {

    DemandSummary* summary = response.add_solutioninfo();

response.solutionInfo 现在包含 demList.size() 元素。

关于c++ - 如何在 C++ 中使用 Google 的 Protocol Buffer 添加重复字段?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1770707/


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