java - 由于相同的 HaschCode(重复对象),ArrayList 对象值更改

标签 java android arrays arraylist


public ArrayList makePerks(int roun, int ran) {
    int perkAm = Menu.randInt(6, 7);
    Perk last = new Perk();
    for (int i = 0; i < perkAm; ++i) {
        Perk tempPerk = new Perk();
        tempPerk = generate(ran, roun);
        System.out.println( + " - " + tempPerk.cost);
    return perks;


12-11 01:51:07.331: I/System.out(3900): Gain Profit - 4
12-11 01:51:07.341: I/System.out(3900): Strength - 11
12-11 01:51:07.351: I/System.out(3900): Gain Profit - 5
12-11 01:51:07.361: I/System.out(3900): High Premium - 17
12-11 01:51:07.371: I/System.out(3900): Moderate Speed - 5
12-11 01:51:07.381: I/System.out(3900): Nomad - 11
12-11 01:51:07.381: I/System.out(3900): _________________________

现在在我的一个 Activity (android) 中,我检索从上面的函数返回的数组列表:

tempItems = perkGen.makePerks(plrRound, plrRank);

现在我想像这样使用 for 循环将数据添加到 ArrayList 适配器:

        for (int i = 0; i < tempItems.size(); ++i) {
        System.out.println(tempItems.get(i).name + " - " + tempItems.get(i).cost);


12-11 01:51:07.381: I/System.out(3900): Gain Profit - 5
12-11 01:51:07.391: I/System.out(3900): Strength - 11
12-11 01:51:07.391: I/System.out(3900): Gain Profit - 5
12-11 01:51:07.391: I/System.out(3900): High Premium - 17
12-11 01:51:07.391: I/System.out(3900): Moderate Speed - 5
12-11 01:51:07.391: I/System.out(3900): Nomad - 11

如果你没有注意到,我有 2 个副本; (Gain Profit) 在第一个输出中,它们是 4 和 5,但在第二个输出中,它们是 5 和 5。这怎么可能?这与数组中有 2 个相似的对象有关吗?还是我做错了什么?


12-11 02:25:31.281: I/System.out(4024): Moderate Speed - 8 - -1307644808
12-11 02:25:31.291: I/System.out(4024): Agility - 9 - -1307646728
12-11 02:25:31.301: I/System.out(4024): Agility - 5 - -1307647072
12-11 02:25:31.301: I/System.out(4024): Prolix - 13 - -1307638016
12-11 02:25:31.321: I/System.out(4024): IDA - 5 - -1307641072
12-11 02:25:31.321: I/System.out(4024): Moderate Speed - 11 - -1307644808
12-11 02:25:31.321: I/System.out(4024): _________________________
12-11 02:25:31.321: I/System.out(4024): Moderate Speed - 11 - -1307644808
12-11 02:25:31.321: I/System.out(4024): Agility - 9 - -1307646728
12-11 02:25:31.321: I/System.out(4024): Agility - 5 - -1307647072
12-11 02:25:31.321: I/System.out(4024): Prolix - 13 - -1307638016
12-11 02:25:31.321: I/System.out(4024): IDA - 5 - -1307641072
12-11 02:25:31.331: I/System.out(4024): Moderate Speed - 11 - -1307644808



如果我需要发布更多代码,请询问 :) 但我希望您拥有所需的所有信息 :) 再次感谢:)


public Perk generate(int ran, int roun) {
    final DecimalFormat mb = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    int perkT = Menu.randInt(0, 4);
    Perk tempPerk = new Perk();

    if (perkT == 0) { // Speed
        ArrayList tempArray = new ArrayList();
        tempArray = getSpeedPerks(ran, roun);
        Perk tePerk = new Perk();
        tePerk = getPerk(tempArray);
        tempPerk = tePerk;
        int randBonus = Menu.randInt(0, 3);
        tempPerk.cost += randBonus;
        // Perk Increase Formula:
        double lvlBonus = roun * ran;
        double lvlInc = lvlBonus / 10;
        double bon = 1.0 + lvlInc;
        tempPerk.plusInc *= (bon);
        tempPerk.cost *= (bon);
        tempPerk.desc = ("Increases the effectiveness of each tap:\n"
                + "    - Tap Power + " + mb.format(tempPerk.plusInc));

    if (perkT == 1) { // Minus
        ArrayList tempArray = new ArrayList();
        tempArray = getMinusPerks(ran, roun);
        Perk tePerk = new Perk();
        tePerk = getPerk(tempArray);
        tempPerk = tePerk;
        int randBonus = Menu.randInt(0, 3);
        tempPerk.cost += randBonus;
        // Perk Increase Formula:
        double lvlBonus = roun * ran;
        double lvlInc = lvlBonus / 10;
        double bon = 1.0 + lvlInc;
        tempPerk.minusDec *= (bon);
        tempPerk.cost *= (bon);
        tempPerk.desc = ("Decreases the bars speed:\n"
                + "   - Bar Speed - " + mb.format(tempPerk.minusDec));
    if (perkT == 2) { // Auto
        ArrayList tempArray = new ArrayList();
        tempArray = getAutoPerks(ran, roun);
        Perk tePerk = new Perk();
        tePerk = getPerk(tempArray);
        tempPerk = tePerk;
        int randBonus = Menu.randInt(0, 3);
        tempPerk.cost += randBonus;
        // Perk Increase Formula:
        if (roun > 0 & roun <= 5) {
            int rand = Menu.randInt(0, 1);
            if (rand == 0) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 30;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
            } else {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 60;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 2;
        } else if (roun > 5 & roun <= 10) {
            int rand = Menu.randInt(0, 1);
            if (rand == 0) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 20;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
            } else {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 60;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 3;
        } else if (roun > 10 & roun <= 15) {
            int rand = Menu.randInt(0, 1);
            if (rand == 0) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 15;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
            } else {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 20;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 2;
        } else if (roun > 15 & roun <= 20) {
            int rand = Menu.randInt(0, 1);
            if (rand == 0) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 10;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
            } else {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 20;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 2;
        } else if (roun > 20 & roun <= 24) {
            int rand = Menu.randInt(0, 1);
            if (rand == 0) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 5;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
            } else {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 10;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 2;
        } else if (roun == 25) {
            int rand = Menu.randInt(0, 1);
            if (rand == 0) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 5;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 2;
            } else {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 3;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
        } else if (ran == 2) {
            int rand = Menu.randInt(0, 2);
            if (rand == 0) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 5;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 2;
            if (rand == 1) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 3;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
            if (rand == 2) {
                tempPerk.autoClick = 2;
                tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
        } else if (ran == 3) {
            tempPerk.autoClick = 1;
            tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
        } else {
            tempPerk.autoClick = 1;
            tempPerk.clickAmount = 1;
        tempPerk.desc = ("Auto Taps at a fixed rate:\n" + "   - Taps + "
                + mb.format(tempPerk.clickAmount) + "\n   - every "
                + tempPerk.autoClick + " seconds");
    if (perkT == 3) { // Reward
        ArrayList tempArray = new ArrayList();
        tempArray = getRewardPerks(ran, roun);
        Perk tePerk = new Perk();
        tePerk = getPerk(tempArray);
        tempPerk = tePerk;
        int randBonus = Menu.randInt(0, 3);
        tempPerk.cost += randBonus;
        // Perk Increase Formula:
        double lvlBonus = roun * ran;
        double lvlInc = lvlBonus / 10;
        double bon = 1.0 + lvlInc;
        tempPerk.cost *= (bon);
        tempPerk.rewardBonus += lvlInc / 5;
        tempPerk.desc = ("Increases amount of tokens gathered at the end of each round:\n"
                + "   - Tokens + " + tempPerk.rewardBonus);
    if (perkT == 4) { // All Rounder
        ArrayList tempArray = new ArrayList();
        tempArray = getAllRounPerks(ran, roun);
        Perk tePerk = new Perk();
        tePerk = getPerk(tempArray);
        tempPerk = tePerk;
        int randBonus = Menu.randInt(0, 3);
        tempPerk.cost += randBonus;
        // Perk Increase Formula:
        double lvlBonus = roun * ran;
        double lvlInc = lvlBonus / 10;
        double bon = 1.0 + lvlInc;
        tempPerk.plusInc *= (bon);
        tempPerk.minusDec *= (bon);
        tempPerk.cost *= (bon);
        tempPerk.desc = ("Increases the effectiveness of several stats:\n"
                + "   - Tap Power + " + mb.format(tempPerk.plusInc)
                + "\n   - Bar Speed - " + mb.format(tempPerk.minusDec)
                + "\n   - Tokens + " + tempPerk.rewardBonus);
    return tempPerk;


tePerk = getPerk(tempArray);

使 tePerk 等于列表中的额外津贴,这可能会导致问题。



我不确定,但从你提供的代码来看,看起来你在生成方法中重用了对象,例如:第一次以名称“Moderate Speed”返回并花费 8 的额外津贴,你将其添加到列表中甚至打印出来。然后再次将相同的对象用于值为 11 的“中等速度”,并将其添加到列表并打印它...现在列表有 2 个相同的额外对象。

自从您第一次添加和打印一项津贴后,您看到了 2 个不同的值。第二次在 for 循环中打印所有值,因此您看到的是相同的值。

关于java - 由于相同的 HaschCode(重复对象),ArrayList 对象值更改,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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